I am cold and hungry and at work.
Fucking christmas carols play in my head all december, every december. I don’t even celebrate christmas. There is no off switch.
ME TOO. Make it stop!
We have to write self-assessments at work for our performance reviews. I had started writing a draft of mine in a draft email, since the portal we have to actually submit it through wasn’t open yet. It was a thing of beauty.
Yep. Outlook ate it. Have to start over. ARGH.
Does changing them into something funnier help? Because if so, I highly recommend Tales from the Cryptmas.
I googled some questions about cat poop while I was eating, and that was a mistake. I don’t want to waste food but I’m not sure if I can finish eating.
My dog thinks my foot, under the blankets, is something scary. She is growling and has a Mohawk and won’t calm down about it and lay back down.
The American healthcare system.
I have a tiny complaint. It is that the American healthcare system is not at all a tiny complaint.
We are at the vet and sprocket got a finger up the butt. This isn’t my complaint, it’s his.
While I was walking into the house on this rainy day, ducking down so that my broken gutter wouldn’t pour water on me, my rain jacket got caught on the spring of my sunroom door and biiiiiig ripped – it’s not fixable.
The quad issue I have mentioned here before took a terrible turn today for seemingly no reason and hurts/tingles/burns like a ffffffffff
Indeed. It was my TC last week, and my complaint is ongoing.
My complaint: People that (try to) turn left across busy roads during rush hour when there are easy routes to avoid it. Requiring everyone behind them to sit forever.
Why are adverbs so hard? WHY???
The dogdamn motherclucking morning glory. Why can’t it all just die in the summer heat like so many other introduced species? Why is it living at the intersection with TWO other neighbours so I have to negotiate with all of them?
Also: WHY asbestos fencing? It is currently about to start degrading and now I need to negotiate with 3 neighbours to have it replaced, plus disposal costs, plus I foresee neighbours saying “it isn’t THAT bad”. They are wrong and my money will pay for my anxiety and being The Responsible Neighbour.
Dude at the gym thinks that my headphones and the book I’m reading mean I want to chat.
I made butter chicken for dinner, then headed out to the gym with instructions for the kids to make rice.
They made enough rice for the two of them.
Now I’m home from the gym and there is delicious butter chicken but no rice. I’m super hungry.
Children are the worst.
I’m making rice to make a rice bowl for tomorrow. I have frozen corn and frozen spinach, which are good with peanut sauce. But someone at work has a peanut allergy. Need to find another delicious idea
Teriyaki tofu?