Tiny Complaints

It was already cold and late enough, and she was super overstimulated, I didn’t want to do a bath. I’ll do one this morning if I can squeeze it in.


I’m so tired I fell asleep sitting on the stairs while watching Greyman water plants. I am very clearly too tired to do anything but my stupid brain was like “naw you should do dishes.”

I tried and now things are broken.


I washed four loads of laundry but only have three piles to fold. I think I accidentally washed one load twice.


The lowest air temperature tonight outside is 24°C.

I turned the aircon on.


Every bit of me is very very tired. People keep asking me if I should cut work hours/start mat leave. Ummmm yes, I’m disintegrating, so probably. But no, I can’t, because I’m not qualified yet.

So. I will go to work. And work. And get asked questions about why I’m not doing bullshit like answering unnecessary emails


We’re supposed to have a high temp of 25F today so we’re almost temperature twins in opposite land.


My Pandora station of Christmas music won’t play. Other Pandora stations will play, but not that one. It was working fine on Friday.


I tried to volunteer for a thing. They asked me specifically which days/times I would prefer. I have all week free, so I just picked some. They came back and asked if I could do a different day/time.

PEOPLE. If you have specific needs, JUST ASK FOR THEM. Do not make me do this song and dance.

(I can do the alternate day/time, I am just annoyed that I had to use brain power to suggest times that were then immediately ignored. And by immediately, the email came back within, like, 10 minutes.)


This is a major pet peeve for me. If I ask someone to pick a time, I give them a range of availabilities.


The super cute new wedge booties I got on Black Friday hurt my feet enough that I had to switch to my not very cute back up shoes at work. Now I get to add return 2 pairs of shoes to my list of errands.


My shoulder hurts from sleeping on it. I am medically supposed to continue sleeping on it.


Kid-3 and Kid-4 lost their health insurance as of Saturday night, and I’m trying to navigate how to get Kid-4 covered again (Kid-3 is in Oregon and will have to figure it out there). It’s so stressful and confusing.


This seems like a not very tiny complaint.


I’ve only been at work for like four hours and I already feel done.


I admit it does not feel tiny right now. The US health care system…(sigh).


I have not been able to figure out how to do this myself so that it’s not waaay less comfortable, but the brachial plexus injury specialist I work with recommended I use axillary and additional neck support on that side with rolled towels or a rolled towel at the neck and a pillow in front of the chest that kinda tucks under the axilla. In my case it’s amazing while awake but I tend to roll onto my stomach too much for it to work properly.


Right now I’m doing a major pillow adjustment in the middle of the night to mix things up, and spending some time on my right, and sometimes just doing a semi seated position.

If I just had to pillow for the shoulder I could figure it out. But I’m supposed to be pillowing and propping everything, and need an easy bathroom escape. So I think that my best solution is whinyness.


That is exactly my problem too but my bladder is just a night owl and the little buddy that wakes me and has me sleeping contorted is the Oldster :rofl:


We should get hammocks and try that. But I’m not sure about sharing a hammock with oldster

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I tried that over the summer! The hooks I used were not strong enough and we rolled slowly down to the ground about an hour in, ha! I’ve never slept a full night in a hammock but I find that position is so good for my breathing and back.

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