I hope your owl comes soon!
I have my fingers crossed for you!
I don’t have candy
CVS website is making me reset my password and then not actually sending me the link to do so. I’m going to have to make a PHONECALL.
I ate too much soup. I hate the feeling of being too full from soup. So sloshy.
It isn’t even NOON yet.
Why is it that people don’t fucking understand that no one wants strangers touching their babies? And even less do they want strangers hovering over them trying to touch the baby that is strapped to their chest while loading their groceries into the car.
oh my fuck
The car share service we’ve had as a backup to going down to 1 car is getting cancelled in my city the only remaining hourly one in the city is all small cars and won’t work for baby/car seat/doctors appts. Still going to try to make 1 car work, but scared time on that is coming to an end.
For the single user apps, would it make sense to…
Log into 2 devices with one account, or
Make an email account to forward emails to both parents? (Google Voice for text, maybe.)
Just suggestions.
This is what we did for baby apps. BabyTracker is the one we used, my account for both phones.
I’m sure it would. Still pisses me off though.
This is extremely fair. I join your righteous anger.
I JUST signed up for that app two days ago. Hoping I’ll still find a time to use my $10 sign up credit before then.
Yeah, pretty damn annoying right??
Which car share is the other hourly one that’s all small cars? I was looking at Zipcar and it seems like they have a number of car sizes available, unless I’m missing something…
Nope, zip car requires membership. The other one is GetAround, but they’re mainly fits and smart cars, at least when we checked the app for what is near us.
Neighbours have been playing music that has a strong bass beat on and off since midday. All our heads are a little sore and it’s only 5pm. I’m tossing up whether to go have a chat now or later about their noise levels…
My kidneys hurt.
Two hours ago my kidneys hurt. Now they are infected. Pain, fever, pink pee. Looks like I have new weekend plans.