Tiny Complaints

I have blisters that are becoming itchy.

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Not even dragging the janitor around to sweep up vomit or jacking up the price of umbrellas as soon as it starts to rain?


Went to NYC for 3 days. Wore my comfiest shoes, the ones that resulted in absolutely NO pain after walking lots during my last vacation (this never happens - I was SO excited that I now own pain-free shoes!) Welp, looks like there is a limit to pain-free shoes and it’s walking 13+ miles per day for multiple days. I have a blister between my toes. BETWEEN. How does that even happen? These aren’t thongs, there is no shoe on that part of my foot. It runs the entire length of my third toe. It hurts and looks gross. YUCK.


For stupid reasons having to do with the religion of the company that owns my women’s health clinic, I’m going to have to travel 40 minutes away to get an IUD instead of 10. This also makes getting a quick ride back from a friend if I need it much less convenient for everyone. And taking an Uber 40 minutes both ways is expensive.

Love my doctor, but because of this he won’t be doing the insertion. It will be a stranger.

So frustrated that my healthcare professionals are great and administration of the healthcare is ruining the experience.


I wish! I don’t know what version you’re talking about, but it’s the one I wanted. The one I got is lame.

The body work from being rear-ended last week was supposed to take 2-3 days, and I was supposed to be given a small, fuel-efficient rental car. Instead, it’s going to take a full week and I was given a giant beast of an SUV that is super uncomfortable, very expensive, and a little scary to drive.

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Tiny frustrations are piling up to the point of me being weepy & stressed out.


I asked for an egg roll as part of destressing lunch and I got home and no egg roll and I’m crying about it and it’s stupid.


Someone added a 4:30-5:30 client meeting on my schedule without asking.


This kind of person is my enemy.

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I would not call this person my enemy. However, they definitely need to grow a god-damned spine when it comes to our clients.


My lower back hurts. Bed is warm and comfortable and I don’t want to get out.


And until they grow that spine, you should definitely block them from accessing your calendar if you can. Oh, and make them call the client to reschedule.

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I wish! Unfortunately, they do need access to my calendar (they manage the client) and we do need to have this call – I just. I like my day being over at 4:30, not starting a meeting at 4:30.

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I have a cold. I hate this so much.


Can you tell the difference between these bolts?

3 are 100mm. 3 are 95. They are unlabeled. Thanks Titan.


Yes. But I tell the difference between threads in 2mm increments every day :wink:


I also can, but also I knit with tiny needles frequently, so :woman_shrugging:. It does seem like a reasonable thing to label though.


Once I pulled them all out of the box they came in and sorted them, it got easier. But yeah. Weird.

I’m almost scared to ask… but what are the religious objections to an IUD? Is it all birth control? (wait: is this because there is ~THEORETICALLY~ the possibility an IUD could disturb a fertilized egg and cause it to fail to implant? I also have to ask the universe what the point of a religiously funded/run WOMEN’s health clinic is at all if this is how they “care” for health…