Tiny Complaints

I only steamed 2 frozen bbq bao.

I need more. They are perfect.


Next train in NINETEEN minutes? In this economy?!


I scheduled the furnace check up for this afternoon because I was supposed to have a work call. The work call has been moved, so I could have had an entire nice weather day out. But instead we need to stick around for the furnace person to come and make sure we don’t die of carbon monoxide poisoning this winter, and to let us know the furnace is old and should probably be replaced…


Dropped my car at the dealership on Tuesday because my horn doesn’t work. Husband mentions to them that the AC wasn’t cooling super well. It is now Thursday and we don’t know when the car will be ready because, while the horn problem has been fixed, the AC hasn’t and the technician assigned to my car is out sick.


Door-to-door solicitors (ugh) who also happen to be sexist and rude (rage).


Tell 'em they’re trespassing.
Might have more impact here…


The sentence “Get the fuck off my property” may or may not have been uttered.


well this turned into a TV, because the furnace check up ended with the tech telling us that our furnace is actually beautiful, and we should just keep on taking good care of it like we have been. (yes, used the word ‘beautiful’ twice)

It was like when the dental hygienist praises your gums or flossing or something. Only less deserved because we don’t do anything beyond sometimes remember to replace the filter, and bring in a tech once a year to make sure it won’t explode or something.


The themed squishmallow toys are cuter every holiday, and my kids need zero more stuffed animals. I also need zero stuffed animals. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Not squishmallow but I talked myself out of a particular stuffie last year and still kinda want to get it for my kid this year. He too has way too many stuffies.


Once again have a weirdly cramped right foot. On the other hand I might have figured out the cause…the last one came a day after I had a long highway drive (so lots of cruise control), and I just had a similar one yesterday. And I do hold said foot in sort of a weird position ready to hit the brakes most of the time because basic highway driving or not, I don’t trust other drivers. So maybe I have a cause, and just need to figure out a better way to hold that foot when I can’t avoid long drives.


I posted in the TV thread that I was glad my super came and fixed all three of our leaky faucets, but after living with them a day, each one has something different wrong with it.

-The very leaky tub does not leak anymore, but the hot/cold is backwards and more importantly the shower pressure has gone down by half?? It took me an eternity to wash my thick hair this morning.

-I don’t like that the new kitchen faucet has two knobs instead of a single handle, but mostly I’m annoyed it’s way shorter than the old one and our pitchers and pots don’t fit under it anymore.

-The new bathroom faucet is great but for some reason he also replaced the drain and half of the O ring is sticking out from underneath the side of the metal part. Aside from it looking ugly, water pools around it and I can just see all the mold I’m gonna have to clean in the future.

This is why I’d rather just DIY everything. I may not know what I’m doing, but at least I care about the details all being right. But the tub leak especially was out of my depth because the mechanism is in the wall and also I’m not sure where the water shut off valves are (or if they’re working), so I had to report it.

I live in a very old rent stabilized building so stuff breaks a lot* and they’re not very incentivized to fix things to a high standard. So usually if stuff works I don’t want to bother them about little things and be an annoying tenant. I also am never sure if the things I notice are like…reasonable requests or if I’m just picky.

*This is very small potatoes compared to the time we didn’t have hot water for a week. And they were trying to fix it that whole time! The emergency plumber was out every day, we’d have hot water for like an hour, and it would break again.


Why I am never able to grow potatoes, when its probably the easiest crop?


My husband is far too chatty and cheerful for how awake I am


Something in my kitchen smells like it’s rotting and I already went through the produce and it’s still smelly.

Something in my couch also smells bad.


The answer is almost always a potato in my experience :joy::nauseated_face: or an onion


I really hope there’s not a potato in my couch


Hahaha I definitely meant the kitchen. I ALSO hope for no couch potato. Wait.


Sometimes these things happen


No children live in my house, so my cats would have had to have gotten really wild