Well I’ll be damned. Period came at about 3 am on day 30.
Well I’ll be damned. Period came at about 3 am on day 30.
I’ve been reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility which says that the luteal phase (time between ovulation and next period) is generally consistent within the same person, but the follicular phase (from when period starts until ovulation) can vary more. So if you’re only looking at total cycle length it might seem like your cycles vary a lot, but you may see more regularly if you focus on the length of the luteal phase.
I’m not sure how premom works, but if it detected ovulation, it may have estimated when your period would be expected based on ovulation date + your normal luteal phase length.
Meanwhile I’ve been tracking my cycles for about eight months now. My luteal phase has generally been pretty consistent (as have my cycles overall). The one that just ended my period came about three days early, and I have no idea why. I didn’t even make it to the part of the two-week wait where I can’t decide how early is too early to test.
Premom is an app that mostly reads your ovulation detector strips.
I also had a wonky cycle this month. I normally get my period on day 17 or even 18 post ovulation, but this month is was the night of day 15. I don’t know what a shortening luteal phase means but anything over like 12 days is supposed to be fine IIRC.
My luteal phase is usually 11 or 12 days but this time it was only 8. I’m hoping it was just a fluke.
I had a really good consult with Shady Grove this morning! Really liked the doc. She thinks we should consider donor eggs as well as donor embryo and supposedly the money people will call us. Cost, timeline, and likelihood of success are our key factors!
They want me to do a saline sonogram and mock transfer, which I could do in late June with my next cycle–possibly even here in Denver as they are opening an office here. The other only hoops to jump through are infectious disease testing for the Boy–mine is recent–and talking with a social worker. They are open to me doing natural transfers, which I prefer. I’m excited! Everything sounds really promising!
Good luuuck!
Late update Initial impressions of endo were a bit meh because he basically said “all the meds I can give you are contraindicated in pregnancy and you should really see RE sooner than later.”
Also same old “lose weight, fat makes estrogen” talk which always comes off blamey to me. Like, being fat doesn’t cause PCOS but it’s the only way we know to treat it. Seems off, idk.
But he had redeeming features:
Work was crazy this week, esp mornings, so I didn’t do the blood draw till today but overall… I think I feel hopeful but in for a long slog.
What was his take away?
That the small studies out were promising and the nature of the compound makes it likely harmless, so valid to try if I want! Also said thanks for bringing it up
By the way, I forget if it was you or one of my fellow OMD PCOSers who mentioned it but thanks! We will see if it works but it’s good to have more in my toolbox.
I don’t remember either but given my MEGA BABY last time, I may give it a go if I can get pregnant again. Debating starting it before then.
I’m a “normal” BMI range body weight, no PCOS indication, prone to hypoglycemia as a baseline, but also Mystery Infertility and major weight gain last pregnancy.
It doesn’t seem to cause hypoglycemia in people from what I’ve read, just GI distress sometimes? Seems like it could be a “worth a try” type thing for me, but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Probably because of my weird ambivalence around trying right now.
Aaaaanyway. Introspection. Let me know how it goes and what brand dose etc you decide to try, if you’re willing!
Totally willing! Feel free to remind me in a month or three . I think there are like 2 brands of 40 :1 myo/d-chiro inositol that seem reputable (ie not super woo woo, appeal-to-nature fallacy, or homeopathy adjacent) so not much choice.
Got my modern fertility kit today but got to wait until CD3 to take the test, which is weeks away.
So I ordered 2? months of inositol and a $100 thermometer that goes in my cooch (if imma go wearable for BBT tracking imma go all the way I guess…)
Also, while going down a massive Rabbit Hole yesterday, I was very intrigued by the Mira device, which measures estrogen as well as LH, quantitatively, but definitely can’t justify the price or the plastic/electronic trash for at least… 6 months to a year, I think. Or maybe ever.
Ha! You’re hard core. I went with the arm band kind. But then I am really just tracking my periods, not trying to conceive using my own body. I mean, I’m not NOT trying, just the odds are too long to put any effort into it.
Is inositol $$? I think I was paying like $60 a month for ubiquinol at one point, for the two of us.
Lemme know how the cooch wearable (insertable? lol) goes! Even though I use a cup for some reason it seems weird to me
As for me- more FUCKING due date group pregnancies. Hoooooooray for all them were at fuckin like 50 pregnancies out of like 100 active women. A bunch of them weren’t even trying, and then you get the LOLOOPSSOFERTILE posts and I low key wanna rip my hair out. Buuuit still haven’t called my REs clinic and made an appointment.
Been better, been worse.
If I’m not allowed to be frustrated here, where TF am I?
Seriously, pretty sure you got oh my ass about this last time I posted. I’m sorry your ex is shit. But I’m allowed to be frustrated. I’m allowed to feel sad that I may never give my child a sibling when she loves other kids. I’m ALLOWED to be jealous sometimes.
My friend is due in like 20 days and I am not handling it well from a jealousy standpoint.
I was going to get my IUD out this month but GM is too worried about an oops so I’m not yet, and we might be not doing the “NTNP” period of July-Oct like we discussed. Might just be waiting until late Oct to get IUD out and then going full speed into temping, OPKs and all.
I thought I was going to get a kitty in two weeks but that plan got smooshed, but it’s probably for the best?
My in-laws are coming in one week and if they ask at all about babies I might explode.
I am SO sorry… I probably reacted to your posts twice when I felt like everyone around me had this complaint, if that makes sense! Although even if that was true it still wouldn’t be cool to go off. Like I said, super triggering topic, I will try to do better. Deleted the original post.