The Not Pregnant...Yet Thread

Okay, I think I got in right. Now I’m confused because the comparison line is way lighter than in the example images. Does that mean I didn’t get enough pee on it? Or is it a fluke test? Or am I just super about to ovulate so it looks real light?

Thing I peed on:


You might have but I might just be bad at digging through the bag.


That looks like a really strong positive! Test line can be significantly darker than the control line and that is a good sign of egg quality- IIRC @Bracken_Joy says that strong positives are better than weak ones.


Ok, that’s good to know. But if I am about to ovulate in a couple days, and my cycle follows its usual 26 day trend, I’m gonna have the short luteal phase issue.


Oooh this is the test that works with premom app! It compares the colors to quantify your result!


Yes, I actually downloaded that yesterday! It’s very cool to me how it interprets it.


The only caution here is that is true on the whole, but you kind of have to trend it. Individual tests can be misleading sometimes on this. But for me, I can tell if I’m going to have a good ovulation or a bad one depending on how strong my line is. But some people just have really high it LH levels by comparison.

This will also depend on how long your levels have been elevated. Some people have a high LH for a while, so it’s possible that you’ve already had your surge and ovulated, and the LH is still just high in the system. In that case, your luteal phase might be adequate even with a shorter cycle. That’s why it’s so important to start testing at like day seven or eight of the cycle for most people, to be sure is you’re capturing the very beginning of the spike. Time to ovulation is from the first positive test, it doesn’t matter how long they stay positive after that.


Thanks for the info! I got started a little late this cycle. Will probably test again tomorrow to see if it’s going down, and then sit tight until next cycle.


Yeah, especially without also temping I wouldn’t read anything into your luteal phase length yet. :+1:


Baby bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
(, Inseminate regularly for 48hours) or keep firmly away from sperm, depending on goals


I really enjoyed that app, back in the day when I thought it might help. I don’t bother anymore. I do try to have sex during what I think will be the fertile once or twice, since sex is fun anyway and it’s nice to make time for it and, you know, we definitely won’t get a miracle if we don’t–but peeing on sticks is too much effort for a long shot!

But I had fun tracking the numbers. I have a really short surge, and so being able to have it help me spot the beginnings of rising LH helped me not miss the surge.

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I’ve been reading more about PCOS and how the issue isn’t necessarily long cycles but erratic or even too fast hormonal cycles that don’t allow for proper function, and I find it interesting to have one more piece of data reflecting my hormonal state (besides temp). I don’t know how useful it will be, but I’m a nerd :nerd_face:


I love the app. I need something that tells me exactly what to do and when “Pee on stick twice a day” “Have Sex Today”, etc.


Made the mistake of going to r/PCOS.

CW: diet

Keto keto keto keto keto Homeopathy! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::rage:


I ovulated two days go, got 3 hearts in the 5 days ahead of ovulation. This is our one shot before we have to put things on hold for awhile. My cervical mucus sucked this time so I hope I actually ovulated. (I haven’t been tracking my temperature, cervical mucus usually is enough to figure out what is going on.)

I hate the Schrodinger’s cat of making babies.


We talked to our known donor yesterday, and he agreed that he’s comfortable with telling our clinic that I’m in a sexual relationship with him. This is the truth, and obviously not us bending the rules to get around mandatory but outdated sperm quarantine policies, we were just too private to mention it to our doctor before. Now I have to figure out testing for him, and assuming all is well, we can move forward! Baby baby baby baby (after lots of other steps of course)

@wooljaguar I thought about you while catching up with him: he’s transitioning from a pretty normal tech job into psychedelics. He wants to connect people to coaches who would be able to give them advice on using psychedelics to work through big questions in their lives. Interesting stuff!


That’s awesome! I’m really glad you are skipping the freezing

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Thanks! Us too. Are you thinking in terms of efficacy, or timing?




Yesterday was CD1. I finally heard from my doctor about my results and she said that she doesn’t want me to worry too much yet—yes, one of my numbers was very high, but the rest of them were borderline and it could be transient, even a result of my recent loss. She said it should be fine for me to retest in 8 weeks instead of 12 (and since it’s already been two weeks, that’s 6 weeks from now) and in the meantime it’s OK for me to take the baby aspirin and keep trying, because she recently read that baby aspirin can be helpful for women with recurrent loss no matter how their diagnosis ends up. She also wants me to get the ball rolling on seeing a hematologist just in case, because it can take a while to get in sometimes.

This cycle we have officially been trying for a year with nothing but two losses and some creepy test results to show for it. (I got my IUD out on 5/12 last year.) I am thinking back to how full I was of hopeful wonder then compared to the grim and battle-scarred creature I feel I have become, and it is depressing. Still, I soldier on.