The Not Pregnant...Yet Thread

I have an appointment Weds next week with my OBGYN to get my recurrent miscarriage workup. She wants an ultrasound and a chat and some bloodwork.

I have no clue where in my cycle I am because of the loss, and I’m a bit confused because I only bled for two really heavy days at the loss—not even as long as a regular period (but, man, it was really coming out). So I have no idea what my body is currently doing. If I count the day of the loss as CD1, I am at CD9. So far by that marker, my chart seems to be doing its normal thing, which I will know for sure if my temp dives super hard tomorrow or the next day.

We have not had GOF in us yesterday or today even though most cycles we start to try to ramp it up a bit CD8+. Swan got his first vax shot on Saturday and has been taking acetaminophen to keep his temps down and save the swimmers but hasn’t felt 100% yet since. I’m supposed to get my first one tomorrow, so I’m hoping I’m up to it. My timeline is too tight to waste a cycle. At least if I’m the one not feeling it, I can just starfish, haha.


In like two, two and a half months? Probably? I think we’re aiming for July to hopefully get some steady income before we start. Eeeeep.


See: low key, me yesterday :grimacing:

I hope the work up goes well, and you feel okay after your vaccine. TTC is so hard sometimes- even when it’s your biggest priority, it’s never the ONLY priority, and life doesn’t give way to it the way it does for other important stuff sometimes.


I am in a couple and have already gotten some good leads locally and out of state.


I think I might just be having a regular cycle this month! No delay from the loss. It’s CD12 and I had a temp dip today, which for me usually precedes the rise, and I’m 95% sure I had a positive OPK today—I think the two lines looked pretty much the same. I usually ovulate right around CD13/14. Plus I had watery CM today and…


…my libido never lies about ovulation. I’ve wanted to climb Swan like a tree for the past two days, despite being directly post-vaccine. So that’s a definite sign.

All that put together and I’m expecting to get ovulation pains any minute now and probably my temp spike tomorrow or the next morning. Luckily, I have not had any issues with the vaccine. My arm was sore AF for like a day and a half, and I had a headache yesterday for a couple of hours that was knocked right out by acetaminophen and that was it.

Fingers crossed that we both get lucky this cycle @Bracken_Joy! I am super over this grueling lack of success so far.


Well not pregnant but not that I had much hope this cycle we only had one good GOF. I ordered some more opk cheepies and we’ll just keep on trying. :unamused:

I think I need help with my libido. Can’t really get pregnant if you’re not having sex, well I mean you can but we’re not going down that road.


No kidding. I’m not sure I’m even going to ovulate this cycle. CD 17 today and as of yesterday I still hadn’t had a positive OPK, not even close. I hadn’t done OPKs last cycle, but not ovulating at all could explain the 25 day one. I guess if I’m not ovulating that would be a pretty fast answer to when I switch to embryo transfers lol :unamused: but, I’ve never had problems ovulating on my own, so this might be bad news re: early menopause. Menopause at 32 would be… not great. Especially re my cancer risks I guess.


I’m currently attending a virtual baby shower and I’m having a rough time. Had I not lost my last pregnancy, I would be due in less than a month. Yay for not totally focusing on the zoom meeting so I can not become a sobbing puddle yaaaaaaay


LOOOOL troll body. Complain and ye shall receive. Positive (though not blazing) OPK last night. (Y’know, which is when you’re super in the mood, after 6 hours of driving with a grumpy child to see your dying grandma… ugh).


At least it’s not menopause? For real though, that is shit timing—I’m sorry. My troll body had an annoying habit for several cycles straight of picking the day that we were not even in the same physical location for a whole day and then he’s super tired the next day. This cycle fixed that, but only because I lost another pregnancy to offset the days. Stupid troll bodies.


Yet :unamused: just waiting for that hammer to drop. Hoping it’ll wait until after baby makin, but they pegged my ovarian reserve at “normal for a 42 year old” when I was 27, so I’m… pessimistic, often.

The timing and travel thing sucks SO much. That’s always been a challenge for my husband and I, since when he does travel it’s usually super long days. Poor guy has had to come home and GOF after two back to back 20 hour days with 4 hours of sleep in between.


Nooo, I’m sorry!

Is day 17 late for most people? It was super normal for me for a while circa age 30. BB was made on day 21 and LB was made on day 24… during a month when I thought I wasn’t going to ovulate because it was CLEARLY too late in my cycle LOLOLOLOL.

An Internet stranger offered the unprompted advice that I should try IUI with donor sperm before moving to donor embryo, on the premise that maybe my eggs are better inside my body than in the petri dish (where they look like garbage). I mean, I see what she’s saying, but I am fucking 40 years old. Do you know what the success rate for a 40-year-old woman is doing IUI? 5%.


Definitely not, but it is bad news for me. 26 day cycles, a positive OPK on day 17… not good math for conception odds.


Ohhhh, I see. Your luteal phase varies? If I ovulate late, I just my period even later. I hope that is what is happening and not a distressingly shrinking LP.

Thus far, yep, late ovulation means even shorter LP. (Even when I was temping, so actually confirmed not just OPKs)



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Ugh, it’s that low for IUI? At my last appointment (before this most recent very short, ill-fated pregnancy), my doctor had suggested that as a thing on our list in the arsenal of “next things to try” . . . I’ll be 40 in like 5 months . . . I never looked up the stats but just found that crushingly depressing when I read it right now.


I’m so sorry! It’s a terrible statistic. I’m really hoping that you’ve just had bad luck so far. Fresh sperm yields better results than frozen and obviously there’s a million variables. Your chances might be higher because you do conceive on your own.

I AM slightly tempted to try it while we wait for donor embryo, but I don’t know about doing all the emotional labor of picking a sperm donor and going to all the appointments for such a slim chance.


It occurred to me as I was journaling I was in the realm of “should be taking prenatals.” What are your favorites? I strongly prefer either gummies or easy to swallow ones. Chalky huge horse pills with hard edges need not apply.


These are what I take. It’s 3 a day. They are in smooth little caps, so no hard edges.

Do NOT do the rainbow light if you don’t like hard horse pills.

This is the extent of my intel, lol.
Oh! Also though that gummies never have iron.