The Not Pregnant...Yet Thread

Yeah she ended up being 20 min late! Not my favorite haha. Luckily mock transfer and saline sono were totally fine. I actually had forgotten, I had a hysteroscopy last time. That was a little more uncomfortable than the saline sono for sure, so I was grateful for something short and easy!


I continue to be not pregnant yet after 3 IUI cycles. We have a consult coming up with the RE to discuss next steps. The clinic said we could do a fourth round of IUI while we wait for the consult, but my husband and I were in immediate agreement that we’re ready to be done with IUIs due to finances, emotions, and scheduling issues.

We’ll go back to trying unassisted in the meantime, but I have very little hope for it.


Ughhh sorry the IUIs didn’t work and you’re facing moving forward with more interventions.


I’m sorry! It’s so unfair, and I know you put so much work and energy into it. Sending you good thoughts as you weigh next steps.


Aaaand now I have a positive OPK at CD 11, after a typical-for-me line progression since I started checking at CD 8. What the heck, body? Trying to give me like a 26-day cycle immediately after a 72-day one. I mean, I’m super glad I’m ovulating, but bodies are such trolls!


Embryo update! I have two embryos that are ready for PGT-A testing. To my knowledge we’ve never had a single embryo before, I’m so grateful. No word on day status, but based on timing I’d guess day 5 or 6s.

Could I get hunger games feedback? My interpretation is that my attrition rates are pretty typical, but one thing I was curious about was if any numbers suggested sperm or egg quality issues to address for a future round, if needed. I’m almost 35.
9 retrieved
7 mature
6 fertilized with ICSI
2 embryos out for testing


I’m routinely seeing 50-60% embryo arrest rates in IVF across a couple papers I skimmed. So 66% would be within expected ranges I would think.

And some Reddit numbers:



Thanks, great resources!

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Her actual example there was 10 retrieved and 3 day 5, so that’s pretty spot on!

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Love to be the literal example! After two years of truly nothing happening the way it’s supposed to, I’m so happy to get basically typical results.


Haha “yay I’m typical!!!”


Crossing everything for you to get two euploids!!


I was curious so I looked up my hunger games.


I was 28 or 29 for these (29 I think).

16 retrieved, 14 mature, 14 fertilized. (8 conventional, 6 ICSI). 10 growing the next day (5 conventional/5 ICSI)
4 day 5 embryos (blastocyst), 3 day 6 embryos (blastocyst), for a total of 7 embryos biopsied for PGS and cryopreserved.
4 found to be PGS normal (2 male/2 female).

Retrieved 15
15 mature
15 fertilized conventionally (100%)
10 growing next day (same as last cycle)
6 total embryos for biopsy (3 day 5, 3 day 6)
0 normal

My abnormal rates were very bad especially for my age.


Fascinating! I hope you don’t mind me asking because I know we are both science/math brained people: I’m used to seeing much lower eggs retrieved for people with DOR. Were those typical for your age/AMH numbers, or do you have a higher follicle amount than might be expected?

Do you remember if the protocol changed between retrievals, or was it just one of those flukey things?


Absolute fluke. Same protocol, back to back cycles.

Follicles ended up way higher than expected. My AFC was actually like 14 as a baseline, but I had a paradoxical response to suppression and had like 28 follicles going in. So I actually had poor retrieval numbers from the follicles I did have. So it’s like… AMH really low for age. AFC high for AMH. (But average for age, or low side of average). Retrieval number poor for recruited follicles because they were “sticky”. Then the genetic results being so different was a huge :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


And I absolutely don’t mind! Open book. They were both long lupron protocols, since that clinic did a lot of retrieval hatching.


Yesterday, I switched up the time of my neighborhood walk and saw/heard so many kiddos. I may have cried a little behind my sunglasses at the beauty and poignancy of it. It’s so wild to me that people just, like, have offspring and walk around living their lives and looking normal, like it is not a miraculous thing. They shine and stand out to me like they’re wearing renaissance painting mom-and-baby haloes. And I try not to look long enough that it’s obvious so they don’t think I’m a creep.


I had a similar moment at an airport of all places, just families negotiating their little kids through crowds and lines, and the extra planning and attention it takes, and all the babies and toddlers in their jammies and comfy airplane clothes while I’m on my way to a conference with my one carry on and a poster tube, thinking about what an alternate world it would be to be traveling with a small child.

Definitely got a bit teary.


It sucks so much. I never know what will get me: I was googling for book recommendations for my friend‘s one year old, and ended up on a website about how important it is to read to your baby. What I would give to have a baby around to read to! It’s so unfair.


As the year wraps up, I’m reflecting, and I’m so grateful for this community. It’s so hard to find a space where I can be gay and not getting pregnant and sad about it and not crunchy and feel welcome and supported, all at the same time. Thanks to the folks who make this such a special, caring space :heart: