The 2024 general election discussion

The 2024 election draws nigh, and I want to have a kiki.

I like Harris’ background as law enforcement and court officer. America is a country of law, and it’s great to have a lawyer in high office. Plus, I fully enjoyed watching her ease with rhetoric confound, confuse and needle Trump during the debate. Though, I do wish her campaign would put more info out on her fiscal policy.

I still think it’s going to be a very tight race. The frustration and crazy that supports the rise of populist candidates hasn’t gone away. Worse, I think the R’s McConnell-era policy of using vryano has actually bred a generation of true believers. The Marjory Taylor Green’s of government won’t just fade away if the Dems win in 2024. It would be great if the DNC had a plan for national reunification along with their fiscal platform, though I recognize that’s a tall ask.

Over all I have much more hope for a Democratic win under Harris than I had when Biden fronted the ticket. Though a Biden/Harris ticket would have been easier for me to vote for.

All in all, it’s going to be an interesting 6 weeks. What say you?


I’m seeing a lot more energy for Harris, in both directions. People that were meh about Biden seem to be either excited about or totally opposed to Harris, and I’m not sure to what degree or in what direction that tips the balance.


Ooh, I learnt a new word today! Vryano is one I’ve not heard before. I agree that it seems tight, but its hard to say what will actually happen since so much depends on voters showing up to vote.

mod hat on :construction_worker_woman:
Just jumping in early because this is off to a good start, that we will be keeping things civil in this thread or it will be locked :+1:
Mod hat off


I’m voting Harris.


Samesies. But also reporting the vibe I’m observing.


I have very little exposure to non-leftists in my life, but can report that the vast majority of leftists I know are MUCH more excited about Harris than Biden. Which is a big win, because it was getting really hard to motivate people to at least do an anti-Trump vote when the choice was Biden.

I can’t follow current events closely for mental health reasons, so I’m not sure how her actual policies will differ from Biden.

I think a lot of excitement stems from Harris being Not Another Old White Guy, and her campaign branding in yard signs and such is really clever, particularly ones I’ve seen that pay homage to the Obama campaigns


You’ve been duped by one of the Aussies :rofl: PDM ain’t voting for anyone.


I was wondering for a minute wait isn’t pdm in Australia but I wasn’t sure if I was confusing him and neo.


Still gonna vote.

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AAAH! The horror! Illegal Australian Voting!

(I live in a place that’s had functional mail-in voting available for everyone for something like ten years, and the amount of consternation I can cause by pointing that out while visiting parent in an extremely red state is kind of hilarious. Parent and parent’s spouse are generally fine, but their friends/relatives generally aren’t, and the amount of work time they spend insisting there’s some kind of illegal plot afoot even if that’s been repeatedly disproven is impressive)

Seriously, though, where I am I’ve seen more people excited for Harris than Biden, but nobody seemed to interested in Trump in the first place so that really hasn’t changed. I do know quite a few single-issue voters (the single issue greatly varies), though, and where they’ll go if Harris doesn’t say what they want is in question. Not clear if they’ll hold their noses because Trump is worse, or if it’ll be a third party, or they just won’t vote at all. Although the good thing about having mail-in ballot as a default option is that it’s likely that they’ll just skip the presidential slot and still vote on other things.