Small Things You Did Today to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

A book?! YAY! I’ll let you know if I spot anything about existing homes in Josh Byrne’s book, but I think it’s mostly new build stuff.


Reused 46 pry top beer bottles to hold the latest batch of white sage saison.


Thank you!

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I did not know you could reuse these…


We got a gas BBQ in part to help us when we transition away from having a gas stove.

There are things about gas cooking that are a hurdle for me to give up. Particularly as a kid we often ate raw vegetables and bread for dinner or got take out because we lost power in evening storms and only had electric cooking available. Maybe that is a location thing, overhead powerlines and summer storms aren’t necessarily a great mix, we lost power for two weeks once when a part to repair equipment on a pole wasn’t available locally :upside_down_face:. I cling to gas for security but also don’t need to use gas everyday.

Small thing I am doing today - working up the courage to put the new baby in cloth nappies overnights. I can see how we can make it work but it’s a leap of faith.


This is probably what we’ll do for now, because even though we’re in the city it seems like having that easy option is good emergency prep.


Similar situation–I’ve got no option for gas where I am now (unless I want to pay $$$$$ to run a new line in from the nearest neighborhood that does have it), but I’ve kept the woodburning fireplace clean and have a camping grill and tank on hand. There’s only been once where we’ve lost electricity long enough that I needed to cook (and get some heat going–ice storm), but I’d hate to be without some kind of non-electric backup just in general.


Daaaaaaang, I’m sad I missed this thread until today and therefore missed this discount.

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It’ll come up again!

We have induction and LOVE it.


Righto, then I guess I just need to review my pots and pans! Oh, I have an enamel dish I love that can go from stovetop to oven, I hope those work on induction.

ETA: apparently I can check with a magnet. Easy peasy!


Yes! And also at least in the states right now they are doing a lot of pan sets when you buy a stove to overcome that concern. We replaced some of our stuff that way.

We tried a few different and really like the one we got (GE). The biggest differences were the way the controls work for changing the temp on burners and whether they have a bridge that you can put a griddle across. We tried one that you had to press repeatedly to go up or down for temp but ours you can just touch where on the circle you want.

It cooks so nicely and is also SO easy to clean. We have had gas, electric coil and glass top electric and I’d put them all around a 2-3 on ease of cleaning an this at 9. Where 10 scrubs itself.


Today I’m using up veges that needed using before they went bad, alongside veges picked from the garden, to make myself delicious, nourishing food.

Reducing our food waste is so tough - I feel like we’re fighting a constant battle to work out what we REALLY need, not buy too much, and then make sure we eat it. So I’m celebrating every victory I can in that area.


This week I got all of my kids’ winter boots, warm clothes, and next size of Keen sandals second-hand.

I also picked up some very pretty fabric from the ARC that I’m going to make into new hand towels for my kitchen. First I need to youtube how to make a nice hem, though. That’s definitely a weakness in my sewing - I cannot for the life of me hem neatly in a straight line. Once I figure it out, towels might be a Christmas present idea for my family, too.


Would anyone be interested in doing a short ‘alternative transport challenge?’ I could make a separate or we could do it here.
A place to share Walking, Cycling, Public Transport, and maybe even batch trip wins?

I’m a fair weather cyclist slowly transitioning to maybe mostly full time cycling who could occasionally use a little push :heart:


I definitely need a nudge back into biking more

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And then I bought “twistable crayons” because our baby is breaking all of our 4 year old’s crayons. They’re plastic tubes full of crayon! Why did I do that?


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had those realizations after the fact!!


I love this idea! I can’t participate, but would be keen to do it next year.


After some false starts, the new baby is wearing a giant cloth nappy to bed tonight. I have the mattress protector on and replacements ready in the event of a midnight poop, now let’s see if we actually reach for them. In any case it’s one less disposable in the bin by starting the night out in cloth :+1: