
Huge? No. But differences, yes. Lately, I’ve been rather bad about keeping up with the routine. And then there’s been this stint in the hospital. I hope to get back to being diligent.


I have a fresh new skincare routine, although it is not very complicated!

AM: Wet washcloth, vitamin C serum, moisturizer, mineral sunscreen
PM: Cetaphil wash in shower, retinol, moisturizer

My rookie question is, are you supposed to like wait and let one layer sink in before you put on another? Or do you just go for it back to back?


Congratulations on having a skincare routine. It looks good!

No, I don’t think there’s any evidence that one layer needs to sink in before another for any of them to be effective. The only rule, which it looks like you’re already following, is to go from lightest to heaviest. Like, you don’t want to put a lightweight serum on after something occlusive like a thick moisturizer because it would be harder for the serum to get through that to your skin.


Retinol prefers dry skin but otherwise I don’t think it matters much! This looks like a great routine


LOL I live in Colorado. We all have dry skin!


I think she just means no water on your face when you add the retinol. Pat it dry first. :blush:


Ohhh! Is it supposed to be like bone-dry or just toweled off/still kinda moist from shower?


General rule of thumb is to wait 15-20 min to apply retinol for it to be the least irritating. As your skin gets more adjusted, I think it becomes less important. Moist skin actually helps it to absorb better BUT when you are just starting out, you don’t really want that because it can be too irritating


I am getting some eczema on my eyelids (WTF?). So far cetaphil (wash and cream) seem to help, but when it gets bad they don’t help. I have some topical steroid cream leftover from poison ivy outbreak(s), but it thins the skin so I only use it when the eczema is bad.

Any other product or practice advice?


Avene tri xera.
Less effective than steroids but no side effects. I should probably apply some


Interesting! I’ve just been slapping it on after my shower and it just tingles a little, so maybe I have tough skin :laughing:

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I have to eliminate, not add, when this happens. It’s a sign I’m reacting to a product now. Usually sunscreen. But could be anything I’ve used any length of time.

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Avene products are my go to whenever my skin is angry. Cicalfate cream is my favorite and makes my skin feel better within 24 hrs


Hah! I essentially use no products. And not on my eyelids. I have found sunscreen will immediately irritate my eyes if I get it too close.


I don’t use any product on my eyelids, it’s just where the irritation shows. Glad someone else is sunscreen intolerant though. I’ve had shit luck finding one I can use without eyelid eczema and or acne.


Even the mineral based ones? Sunscreen makes my eyes water, but no skin reaction I have noticed (yet).

Part if this is “aging” (aka what my doctor says about just about everything), I used to have oily skin, but I am dried up now.


Mineral don’t do the eczema but they give me horrible acne. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ugh - some choice.

Costco Next has Korean beauty products - maybe if there is a brand you like they may have a Bracken-friendly sunscreen.


I need to delve into the Korean options. I’ve heard good things, I just got so tired of experimenting. Price and discomfort and a whole MONTH of peeling eyes every time I tried a new thing :smiling_face_with_tear: idk why I’m even in this thread anymore since I’ve given up lol.


Thanks! I have never heard of this brand.