
The trial was basically for me to practice saying “can we go lighter on that?”


And mascara is one makeup where drug store varieties rank highly (like Maybelline)

Will you be mostly inside in A/C, or outside in heat? Some foundations are more resilient than others if you think you will be dealing with heat and sweat.

Lipstick is easy to reapply.


I got a makeover and product recommendations at Sephora for my wedding makeup. They were really helpful!


Thank you, this is reassuring! I do want to look nice for photos (super helpful tip about the foundation!!!) but honestly don’t care much beyond that


Photos and ceremony will be outside, then the rest mostly inside in A/C. Is it worth getting a primer or something like that to help with foundation resilience?


I didn’t, but a- I’m allergic to most things and b- we did photos before the ceremony. Beyond that I didn’t care as much :joy: plus I was in an AC room until right as I walked down the aisle. If not, I’d be more inclined to yes.


YES!!! Primer always. It will prevent the foundation from creasing into any fine lines and make it look wayyy better.


ok sold!


Also- and sorry if you know this- but if you use the foundation and it looks cakey, like you can tell there’s stuff on your face and it looks powdery- what you need to do is wet a small sponge and lightly tap that over your face. It won’t take off the makeup! It’ll make the foundation blend into your skin more, so it just looks like flawless skin and not like you have a bunch of makeup on.


I absolutely did not know this!


It’s the best trick. A lot of people believe their skin just can’t handle foundation when all they’re missing is that extra little step!


Does anyone have any tips/experience with rosacea? I was diagnosed this morning and prescribed metronidazole 1% topical gel. It looks like it will cost me about $100 for the prescription and I have no idea how long that will last. I will try it, but I’m not sure if I care enough about having a red face to pay this very often.

This is all new to me, so I would appreciate anyone’s experience with rosacea or with this particular med.


N just started using it, and their skin is going longer between incidents of really severe flushing. My experience with other RX skin creams is that your prescription will be for way more than you actually need eg. 1 tube per month, when you might only need a new tub every 3 or 4 months. You only need a pea sized amount or a little more, don’t slather it on.

Azelaic acid is another thing that is used for rosacea and is over the counter in New Zealand (maybe other places too) and I know a couple of people who buy it online from NZ pharmacies and even with shipping it’s cheaper than getting it in the us.


Thanks @Rhubarbsoda!

In my original post, I also meant to ask for suggestions on skincare products for rosacea, specifically cleanser and moisturizer with sunscreen. I’m finding my face is stinging quite a bit now and need super gentle and fragrance free products. I’m using Cetaphil cleanser for sensitive skin right now and it is leaving my skin stinging. I’m tempted to just cleanse with water to avoid the stinging…


I’d do water, and then a few days a week test whether cetaphil, glycerin soap or Castile soap give the best result. If you wear makeup do oil cleansing with an oil you like


I have really similar stinging type responses to most cleansers. I have mostly just washed my face with water as an adult, but just recently in another attempt to try to “do skincare” I bought the La Roche Posay hydrating cleanser and I have no reaction to it. It’s also really affordable so it felt like a low risk thing to try


I don’t have rosacea, but I do have really sensitive skin and that Cetaphil bothers me too. I like the Cerave hydrating cleanser (not the foaming one) and their cream or lotion when my skin is really sensitized.


I have rosacea-prone skin and really like:

  • Cerave face wash, very gentle
  • Fresh moisturizer ($$$ so probably not that fun for people who aren’t wildly into skincare like me)
  • Black Girl Sunscreen (I buy it at target)

No washcloth/other rough stuff on face.

I use a few other things, but those help and don’t make my skin worse. I get redness, visible veins and little bumps if I don’t manage it.

In general, products with Ceramides are your friend. Avoid acids.

If you feel like making a deep dive, there are lots of great threads on Reddit:


Since you are prescribed an anti-fungal, it might be worth checking out products used by ppl w/ fungal-based acne conditions?

I tend toward dandruff-type fungal issues on my skin, and the biggest help (after getting the hormone driven cystic stuff under control w/birth control) was a good cleanser (+100 to cerave products!!), and the spending waaaaaaaay too much time with this writeup on different treatments and ingredients and this writeup of “safe” products. Disclaimer: I liked his work so much I bought his moisturizer, and it is also great.

It might also be worth keeping track of ingredients lists? If you are dedicated it can help narrow down what works and what makes it worse, but also: pain in the ass.

When I was tracking down how to manage my skin circa 2016ish, I got a ton of mileage out of r/skincareaddiction and r/asianbeauty. I think youtube skincare is also big these days, but seems like a giant pain.


I don’t need to do this, but I have started using hankies instead of washcloths and wanted to spread the word - more gentle, less storage space, dry fast, can blow your nose or offer it to a lady