Site upgrade 22 Jul 2022

We’ve done an upgrade on the forums. Things I hope are fixed by this:

  • The lines of reply while typing issue on iOS devices (@rural ?)
  • Unread posts not appearing? @plainjane ?
  • some slower site load time

Please clear cookies to make sure you’ve got the most recent version of the site and let me know what has happened and if issues are fixed


Testing… have to type enough to get several lines of text. Need a couple more words…

Nope, it’s different but still can’t see what I’m typing. Or correcting and can’t scroll.

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Note that I’m on current iOS but old tiny device (OG iPhone SE). I’m having some trouble with things like buttons being just off-screen on several sites.

Testing, I’m on iOS and an smaller screen (newer se) and have been having the same issue

Reply button is finally back for me


Ugh. I was so hopeful this would fix things for you

sorry, it’s still showing some journals as read which I haven’t clicked on yet. But atm it’s just Aaron’s on the first page. :slight_smile:


I can now view the site again on my old Mac desktop. Haven’t yet tried on the old tablets.

After the previous update and issues (see below), I didn’t try the site again - so there is a slim chance that it is NOT this update that cleared up the issues (aka - data is incomplete). But I think this update fixed it.

One issue was that while I could see unread updates, when I would click on any given thread - it would take me to a point way upthread and somehow I could never scroll / access the new material (weird) on the desktop machine.

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