Hahahah lucky him. Maybe he’ll stop getting that tomcat face tho.
I hope he stops growing so fast. He is turning into a big cat and I want him to stay small.
I have a cute adorable rangey-type cat who stopped growing. Turns out she’s that small because she’s made of faulty parts. So hey, your cat’s probably not got a liver shunt??
So there will be ghost balls!
Long ago with our first dog the vet advice was to let her go through one estrus cycle. With later rescue dogs the vet advice was to spay ASAP. I think they are back to waiting a bit for female dogs. I don’t know what the consensus is for little boys. There is no one perfect answer - it is biology. There is a range of risks and associated probabilities.
Yeah I’m more familiar with the recommendations for girls which I think is what’s making me feel guilt here. I haven’t researched it at all for boys. Our girl was a rescue and was supposed to be a breeder at a mill before she got rescued so we were confident she’d had at least one cycle and her spaying was a condition of the adoption so it was done a few days before we took her home.
This time around was way more informal and the woman who had him first had some ideas about pet care/nutrition/vaccination that I definitely disagreed with so I wasn’t going to rely on her recommendations.
We’re also hoping it helps with some of his behavior, as he’s currently decided that potty training is not something he’s interested in.
The timing isn’t as critical in male dogs in regards to hormone-related health concerns. There are varying opinions in hunting breeds used for hunting about testosterone during training.
It’s a lot less painful the smaller their testicles are, though, and their lungs are fully developed by around 4 months (inhalation anesthetic), so 6 months is most commonly recommended.
That makes me feel better, thank you!
There is more and more research coming out about whether to wait until puberty - mostly relating to issues seen in large breed dogs - but as of right now AVMA says there’s no recommendation that would be appropriate for all dogs. I just did a quick scan through a few journal articles and small dogs are still found to be less affected by “early neutering” which refers to shelter pediatric neuters at 8 weeks. I’d feel very comfortable as an owner of your pup’s breed going ahead at 7 months.
Thanks so much for the info! It really does make me feel better. Going to take a page out of his book about it and just be chill
He is a great role model.
Mine got bigger after adoption, which is also after neutering. He also goes kitten face in summer and told cat mane in winter. I suggest that yours grows a mane
I will tell him
Time to buy a new hoodie.