New box!
Lol what an absolutely adorable little menace.
Have been trying to get a pic of Mr. Kitty’s chin. After he drinks water, he has one perfect drop there. It is hard to photograph a drop of water! But I think this is decent.
She’s holding my foot with a one-ton grip like a teddy bear and has looped around my ankle with her full body weight.
My foot has been asleep for so long that it burns.
But dammit she’s comfy, I can’t move her!
She’s going to keep you there as long as she can!
Look at this laundry basket tipping dirty laundry bed making bad bad kitty! She has zero regrets.
Meanwhile. This one was fast asleep, tongue popping out and everything and can’t confirm if she did or did not witness any laundry-tipping.
That laundry basket was obviously already tipped over when she happened to find it.
She looks quite pleased with her work. Or the discovery of someone else’s work which made a nice place for a nap. Whichever story is more believable.
My first thought when I saw the photo (before seeing the caption) was that she looked smug. Then I thought it was a bit rude to think that. Maybe not.
I put a ‘spot’ for Ares in the office
All day he’s been ignoring me and sleeping by the front door. Now that the workday is done, he wants to hang out…
This is very cat-like of him.
Glamour shot!