Poor baby! He looks so freaked out.
Yeah, I’m giving him some serious outside time to make up for it.
I drink coffee every day and I often pretend to be the cat and ask @aaronpk if I am cute so I am wondering
I promise you aren’t my kid.
I can’t stand how pretty your cats are. Are they always together?
Not always. But frequently.
Such majestic. Much meow.
He actually came and plopped down next to me and was gazing up at me soooo lovingly but which was also slightly derpy (the flop definitely was derpy), but he wouldn’t let me photo him doing that. So he is Majestic Cuddler today instead of Majestic Derp.
Detective Oldster investigates: yup, ded kitteh
Junior Detective New Pup comes in for a second looksie: cat is very much aliiiiive
Poor Muffin is just like “ Mom, can I go in now”?
Her favorite part of going outside is always getting to go back in.