who else is listening to and luxuriating in beyoncé’s gorgeous new album?

i keep dancing around my house to everything but most especially “plastic off the sofa” into “virgo’s groove.” the transition is magic and bey’s voice is incredible. she’s so limber and creative, it’s like she has no earthly limitations and she’s bouncing off the edges of the galaxy.

it makes me feel so nice! like it’s bypassing my mind and resonating directly in my body, i don’t know what she did but the witchcraft is :ok_hand:

please share your thoughts!


Thsnk you fir telling me theres a new album!


My fave is Heated. I think the beat/lyrical cadence is slightly “Drake” to me but I love it all the same!! Excited to see if we’re getting a visual album too?? I know this is part 1 of 3.


oh man bey goes OFF on heated – i love when she’s like “monday im overrated, tuesday on my dick, flip flop flippy flip floppin ass bitch” :joy:

there’s a conspiracy theory online that something else maybe vol. 2 is dropping on 8.20 based on that date appearing in one of the lyrics videos. :thinking: we shall see! whatever comes next, she is clearly at the height of her powers and i can’t wait to see/hear/dance to it.