Reducing household waste: discussion thread, wins and questions

I also use old bandanas for noses. Even better if I found them on the ground at the end of a concert or camping weekend - so soft! I have an old tie dye t-shirt that was WAY too holey to use for anything bigger than 6 inch squares so that is also in the rotation now.

I’m still full force on the cloth in the bathroom thing. My skin has rejected every time I go back to paper for more than a day, regardless of the brand, so I’m sticking with it.


Question: if it’s a similar reusable item, is there an environmental benefit to silicone over plastic? Will silicone break down?


It doesn’t biodegrade and is rarely ever recycled (or recycled properly). It’s considered safer to use and sturdier, withstanding a range of temps. It does use fossils fuels in its formation.

I think the biggest benefit is that they tend to last longer in the household than plastic - they’re a good alternative to single-use plastic products.

A blunt breakdown can be found here:


I started to reply, got called away, and now ditto what Illathreal said. IMO stainless steel or glass a better option if there is an equivalent product (obv not menstrual products). If your area burns trash, silicone is better than plastic because it is inert and does not give off toxic gases. It’s not biodegradable so if your area landfills, steel products with a longer life span are probably preferable.


Personal observation: silicone is porous, and in some situations grows mold or absorbs smells…


I am curious but also slightly nervous about how you discovered this…


Tubshroom. :hushed::fearful::flushed:



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Thanks everyone! That confirms my gut instincts… It didn’t seem like it was any more magical once made, and so for reusables I’ll go for whichever works.

Did I tell everyone about buying adorable baby cups and bowls and stuff in little India? They are adorable. And I had a feast on a patio a few doors down. (Day before stage 3 and Eid to minimize crowds, and the restaurant was awesome (


Popcorn! I’ve been using the brown paper lunch bag in the microwave method; today I tried the stovetop method instead and it worked perfectly:

So now, no more lunch bags in the bin or the compost.

I freaking love Cob’s sweet and salty popcorn, so will have to try out some recipes for sweet and salty topping to replace occasionally buying that in plastic packaging.


I still have a whole bag of lunch bags to use up. I am the only popcorn eater in my house (WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?!) so it should last several years. I also have a Whirly Pop.

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Has anyone ever used products from Ethique?

I found them while looking for bar shampoo for dandruff, but they also have conditioner, soap, face scrub, lotion, deodorant, baby products, and pet shampoo, all completely plastic free (packaging, shipping, and storage solutions).

I’m very interested, and they have good reviews, but also they’re pricey.


I use Ethique shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, moisturiser and face scrub bar, plus their Flash bar for washing dishes. So yeah, I love them :laughing: I find everything lasts a long time which helps with the price.


I’ve been using bar shampoo for years, and I love it, but I never added a conditioner, so good to know other people like it :slight_smile:

I just started using Head and Shoulders again for itchy scalp, and although it’s working, I’d much rather not keep buying bottles of it forever if there’s a bar shampoo that can keep the flakes at bay. I hope it works out!


I use their shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant! Love all of them.


I use their shampoo & conditioner & I use their oaty delicious baby stuff for my body wash (& shampoo on lazy days). Love it a LOT. I’ve been using for 4+ years now.

I’ve got their deodorant and Flash bar to try but haven’t had time yet.


… I definitely already made an order, haha. I didn’t realize they had sampler packs, though! I only bought a shampoo and a conditioner, but I might have gotten a lotion sampler if I’d seen them earlier. I would love a deodorant that’s plastic free, too. Oh well, there’s always next month when the budget resets!


How do you store them/keep track in the shower?

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Which shampoo did you pick? Mr H loves Healy Kiwi for dandruff.