immune system reset option
fecal transplant?
I haven’t looked into the science more recently as to how well the tests were going
you’d want to avoid the immune system reset that can happen with measles.
fecal transplant?
I haven’t looked into the science more recently as to how well the tests were going
you’d want to avoid the immune system reset that can happen with measles.
I was just reading about T-cell therapy for this. I don’t think I (a layperson) have heard about T-cells since the 90s.
apparently some folks were studying scorpion venom (poison? idk) because people that had survived stings went into remission from their autoimmune disorders. so there’s that. (please don’t try this)
Scorpions seem like something I can source, and which does not rely on putting poo in my blender. (Although maybe the placenta people have a poo business too?)
That is such cool science
My brain immediately went to hookworms because I think the science is so wild, but they tamp down immune systems not reset them.
Is that something you’re supposed to do when the power goes out? I can’t figure out what opening cupboard doors has to do with anything. Or is it to look for leaks from burst pipes?
Part of the concern was burst pipes due to the temp. Opening cupboard keeps them a bit warmer. Or so I’ve always been told.
Pretty sure they come in pill form. No poop touches your mouth!
But unless I could find black market (like from placenta people) I won’t qualify for prescribed and would need to diy.
I spent the rest of my day having smoothies and fruit and stuff and made chia pudding and now I hurt less and am less sick which is obnoxious. Magic pills are better
I know some folks opt for DIY installment via home enema flush. Others yes freeze and encapsulate.
This is not medically sanctioned iinad etc etc just sharing
Portland peeps/Wool& enthusiasts: I’m planning on going to the sample sale, more likely Saturday than tomorrow. I noticed on their site it says that “mall doors open at 8:30 am,” but the sale starts at 10. Is it the kind of thing where I can expect to stand in line for a long time? Is it like, complete madness, or just crowded and stressful? I love the brand but not sure what I’m willing to put up with in terms of the time commitment.
(PS I know they have a FB group where this question would be better placed, but I’m not on there)
batsignaling @Meowmalade because I noticed you mentioned it
I think the wait is very long if you go early, less so in the afternoons (or so I hear). Last year I got there at opening time and it took an hour to get in. They only let a certain number of people in at any given time so the shopping experience is not bad! And the people are nice.
Thank you, this is helpful!
I have a beige cotton garment that has mildew stains. Lesson learned, apparently I need to hang it to dry before putting it in the hamper?
Anyway, I have tried Oxyclean soak and then normal washing machine amount of bleach. Now I want to try, what if I bleach it as if I was trying to turn it white? Might that get out the mildew stains?
Does anyone know how to do that? Like, how much bleach and how long do I soak it? I am also open to other suggestions. It is a Molke bra so I want to preserve it.
Ouch. Expensive. I’d dye it. Maybe tie dye. Depending on pattern. Or just accept its new pattern?
Since it’s beige I don’t mind if it goes white but any other color would make it less useful as its role is to go under things that are see through. (I already have purple.) But I suppose it would still be better than throwing it away, so dyeing can be plan B!
The mildew makes me feel personally gross so it has to go!
I don’t know the answer, but given how dry it’s been here, I am offended on your behalf that you even have to think about mildew.
In my experience of wet fabric mildewing in Florida, if oxiclean doesn’t get it or, nothing will.
I personally would not be bothered by that in an undergarment, but one possible experiment-
Dab the stains with actual bleach using a qtip or other tiny applicator. If this takes out the stain, then dye the garment with either. tea or a commercial dye