Random Questions

Victory 1: $25 fit kicks. Good from far but far from good, but they’re comfy and look fine. So I’ll keep these for when I need cute ballet flat type shoes.

Bonus helper photo


Two possible outfits. Yes those are gymnastics sheets, Latte’s room is the only full length mirror in the house :joy:


I think either of those would do but my vote is for green shirt with cardigan. Or cardigan with the brown shirt you posted above.


I like #1 super cute!


Yes - cardigan with green shirt!


^^ this

Hey Canadians - my dad and his wife are considering going to Quebec in early November to try to decrease the amount of election coverage they have to deal with. They don’t have any solid plans. They’re both very active (walking, biking) and like museums and food. Any recommendations I should pass along?


Which part?
Snow gear options
Quebec city is very cute and the laurentians are rich and beautiful

Probably in the city? I think they like walking city areas (they live in a downtown area right now and like walking to restaurants and such.) They had been considering a different country altogether but then decided this recently, possibly just today so not much has been decided.


It’s a province. There is a city in it called Quebec city.

Montreal is easiest to visit as an English speaker imo. you can walk up Mont Royal, there are several independent circus performance things which tend to be high quality because of the proximity to Cirque de Soleil’s ecosystem. You can rent a bike and go along the canal.

Food in Montreal is constantly changing and almost always great. The markets are pretty good.


I need to find a new therapist. There are a lot of letters LAPCSW??? and it is all very confusing. I think I have only had one successful therapy relationship in my life, and I cannot even find/remember their name, never mind their credentials. All I really know is that I have had a lot of lovely therapists who have nodded, recommended books, and/or made soothing noises at me. I need something more (what? I wish I knew!), and I need to be challenged, called on my shit, but with kindness, etc etc. What am I looking for? What kind of therapy do I need? I’m looking at codependency as a focus, so I know to filter on that, but otherwise it is very vague. Do the letters even matter? What is the type of therapy that I want?


In my experience the letters don’t matter in terms of how effective the therapist was for me. I’ve had many. Searching for therapists is the literal worst. My current person did a 15-minute phone call before starting care. But tbh I picked her because she was the only one who a) took my insurance, b) was geographically close, and c) was accepting new clients.

I feel for you! Keep on it!


I’m currently searching as well. I’m not specifically looking for a certain credential, mostly looking for takes my insurance, does Telehealth or is close by, and has experience in the areas I need help with. So far I’ve seen that a clinical psychologist is $$$ but sometimes take insurance, and LCSW almost always take insurance and are less pricey, but they all seem to do different therapy modalities depending on what issues they prefer to treat. I had to spend like 6-8 hrs on psychology today looking through profiles to find 5 people that met most of my requirements, only 3 responded and I’m going to schedule with 1, haha. It’s rough out there, I think it just takes a lotttt of time and reaching out, getting ghosted, waitlisted, etc

Something I have been doing this time is doing the consult call and being really specific about the type of interaction I’d like in therapy. For example, my old therapist self referenced/disclosed a lot in what I think was an attempt to empathize, but it just made me uncomfortable and like I was paying her to therapize her haha, so I now say “I’m not comfortable with XYZ type of interaction, is that something you use a lot?” just to get a feel for what the therapy experience will be like.


I need help with cleaning stuff. Like, disinfecting spray and tub cleaner and glass cleaner. The cleaners used normal bad-for-you chemicals to clean our house and it had a slight chemical smell but wasn’t strong and wasn’t super noticeable.

Now that we are back to cleaning ourselves again we are back to using the “good for the environment” type cleaners and they smell SO BAD. Like, I’m almost getting an instant migraine when DH tries to clean the bathroom or the kitchen. It is driving me insane. Last Friday I had to physically leave the house to get away from the smell. We have tried 2 different brands of “good for you” things from Target and we tried blue land and had the same problem with all of it. What should we use? When I clean I honestly just use watered down vinegar or a magic eraser, but for some reason DH insists upon spraying crap everywhere and I’m going to go crazy. I think it’s partly because he can’t actually see what he is cleaning so he has no idea what is clean or dirty and his solution is to spray the hell out of it and then rub a cloth around and hope he gets it all and sanitizes everything.


I got my cleaner recipe from Elle. I soak citrus peels in vinegar for at least a day, but usually much longer because I forget them. Then I put that vinegar in a spray bottle with about 50:50 water. It works great and smells much nicer than just vinegar.


This is also my recipe.


I used diluted Dr. Bronner’s as an all-purpose cleaner. For toilet bowl specifically, the Blueland toilet tabs are unscented, or if I want more cleaning power the Barkeeper’s Friend paste (not powder)


I use a squirt of dr bronners in the mop water for the floors.

For toilets I use standard, terrible toilet cleaner stuff because it works so much better than anything else I’ve found.


I’m intrigued - maybe I’ve never had terrible toilets, but either the Blueland tablets or Barkeeper’s Friend paste has always worked for me! I guess all of my toilets have maybe been on the newer side, I dunno.