Random Questions

It really sucks that there are basically no good free sites for communities anymore. Yahoo groups is gone, FB is a mess, listservs cost money…


I did not know this :flushed:


As a reader, I expect an author to have a website where I can go to learn more about them and the book (such as if they have any other books). If they have that, not having social media isn’t a red flag.


Is there a kind of behavioural therapy other than ABA?


Social skills group? In D1’s social skills group they work on mostly behavioral stuff. It’s in a group setting with other kids her age and they work on things like taking turns and sharing but also building their “toolkits” with strategies that essentially help behavior, like strategies for when they are angry or sad or overwhelmed.


Thank you! That gives me an idea of the kind of thing we might be getting referred to.


I looked into Dirr floortime at one point. It appeared more play based?

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I’ve looked into that one too! It looks very play based. Thank you and @Economista for helping me see more options. It looks like if we have a diagnosis we can get some of the group options free, on wait lists. And otherwise we might have to travel to other cities. I think I was just a bit panicked that we might be funnelled into ABA without other options.


I’ve been helping an organization define the goals and structure for a new team, and they’ve finally posted the first job role for the team. I’ve been asked to be part of the first interview round with a short list of candidates pre-screened by HR.

One of the people on the short list is someone who worked in another division of the very big org I left in 2022. I didn’t work with her closely, she was part of a team I didn’t invest much time in cultivating but couldn’t drop completely due to politics. She has let the HR person know we worked together. HR let the hiring manager know and said they don’t see a conflict of interest. The hiring manager has asked me if I want to be part of that interview or not.

I was going to say I was fine, and do the interview. But do you think the candidate would do better if she was interviewing just with a stranger instead of a stranger plus former colleague? (Additional context, there is another candidate who was recommended by the other person who will be doing the first round interviews, so if I pull out of this one, will they feel obligated to pull out of that one? I don’t think it would be good for there to be 4 interviews and nobody who has talked to all 4)

Am I just overthinking?


You are overthinking. :slightly_smiling_face:


Overthinking! You worked together, yes? You were not romantically involved? Bff’s for the last 5 years outside of work? I see no conflict if interest.


One of our circuits seems to have gone out but none of the breaker switches have flipped. I don’t know what switch maps to what went out. What do I do? Just toggle everything I’m not certain it isn’t?


Yes, and check receptacles with a meter if you have one.


And check any gfi outlets to see if they need reset


Oh, yes, do that first.

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Americans! Where are your favourite places? I like:

  • swimming
  • hot springs
  • good views
  • small towns
  • weird little pockets of culture that are different from anywhere else
  • wild places that I don’t have to hike to

I don’t like:

  • crowds
  • hiking or being on my feet for more than 20 mins at a time
  • cities that are basically one big strip mall

Instead of doing the things on my list I’m making up an itinerary for a dream road trip. So far it includes hot springs, salty lakes, redneck swimming holes, a theme park in texas where you can use construction machines, deserts, rural beaches, coffee, and ice cream.


Glenwood springs in Colorado, Calistoga Springs in California…and I think there’s a southern California hot springs resort that’s being rebuilt, will try to find the name.

ETA some small California towns that are fun:

  • Sutter Creek and Amador Pines/Amador country (wine country, south of lake Tahoe so you get the beauty but not the same touristy crowds)
  • Cambria and Paso Robles (cute small beach town and inland wine country)

And if you’re going all the way to California you should stay in a lodge at Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park. Even just the drive into the parks are gorgeous and as much as I love hiking, you don’t need to hike to experience the beauty of the place.


Tagged in my map!

Also, this trip would include a dog and me sleeping in my car the whole time. If that matters to any of your ideas, friends.


I think dogs are fine into enter national parks as long as you aren’t hiking on trails.


Vermont is very cool. Picturesque small-town Americana at every turn. Tons of local artists and farm-to-table food. Rock of Ages in Barre, VT is like nothing else I’ve ever seen: elaborate large-scale granite carvings. Sleeping in a car wouldn’t be much of a problem, I don’t think. There’s tons of campgrounds and it’s not very crowded even in the summer. It’s very rural, but not untamed like being out West. An older, gentler kind of mountains and hills. In Stowe you can ride a gondola nearly to the top of the state’s highest mountain.