Random Questions

You should get a 1099-INT for any interest received in 2023 over $10. You’ll report that on your taxes. You may need to log into the bank or provider’s website as few places still mail tax documents.


Hi friends! I’m back (?) from my forum break. It was mostly great and I drastically reduced screentime although I definitely shifted a bit of time to lower quality internet scrolling. Made some progress physical health stuff and mental health stuff and house organization stuff which is all ongoing.

One random question is: how do I not spend too much time here and still participate enough to be part of the community. Definitely something I’m pondering and one reason I didn’t immediately sign back in on Jan 1.


I struggle with this. But as I’ve navigated this going on over a year now, a big aspect for me has been to let a lot go. I don’t really follow any journals consistently now- for me it’s the memes, Tiny threads, and parenting stuff, with a small smattering besides. I’m certainly not where I want to be with my screen/life balance overall but it seems to help.


If I wanted to start a blog, but limit who has access to it, what is the software you would recommend? I’d like something where I have to grant somebody access with a username or password, not where someone can sign up on their own.


I used to use Blogspot, and it had an option where you could make it private or limited.

The limiting factor was people who you granted access to had to have a google account (since it’s a Google product).


Thank you, I’d be ok with that.
ETA: I would consider other options too, it looks like it does have some issues including a lot of spam?

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I am 19 days into having mine on blogspot and so far have not had any issues with spam.


How much are your health insurance deductibles? Mine is $3200 for a single with Blue Cross which is certainly a lot of money but is maybe not terrible for a deductible? Or maybe it is terrible, I’m not sure! At any rate I will be hitting mine by March so at least everything for the rest of the year will be less… that’s the best spin I can think of for it. Ha.

ETA The good thing is that I don’t have to pay any premiums, my boss covers that which I think is around $600 monthly.


Mine are $300 per person and $500 per family. We have Kaiser HMO.


That sounds like a sweet deal on insurance.


Our family deductible is $3000. However, the company contributes $1500 into the HSA on our behalf, so essentially we are left with $1500 to pay out of pocket to meet our family deductible.


It was sweeter before I had expensive drugs to pay for. LOL But, yes, I have always appreciated that benefit of working here.

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Honestly, it varies a bunch! My employer offers $0 deductible plans and also a $3500 deductible plan. But they both even out to basically the same thing when you take premiums into account.


Do you (can you) top up the HSA up to the taxable limit? I think itt was $8750 for 2023 (for married couple).

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Oh yes! That’s just what they’ll put in on our behalf so I consider that as a free contribution to the deductible.

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My work offers two plans, PPO with a $1500 deductible and $25 primary care co-pay, $45 specialist co-pay, $2500 OOP max for the year. We also have a HDHP which is $3000 deductible, but nothing is covered until you hit it and OOP max is $7000. This one comes with an HSA that the company contributes $500 to. I’ve done the math and since the difference in premiums is not much, I always go with the PPO. I’ve seen a lot better insurances offered at other companies, but after being on ACA health insurance with $5000-$7500 deductibles, mine feels pretty nice in comparison


Ours is $2,250 / $4,500 for individual/family deductibles on a HDHP. For the PPO plan it’s $850 / $1,700 for individual/family. My company pays $2k into my family HSA as long as I contribute to it as well.

This is the best health insurance I’ve ever had, though, and all of the benefits through my company are pretty great.

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My current plan has a $1500 deductible and $6350 out of pocket max. This is just for me and my employer covers the premiums.


My plan (just for me - partner has his own) has a $1600 deductible and $4000 out of pocket max. Employer covers my premium and contributes $1000 a year to my HSA.

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Since my deductible is not great according to all of yours I’m just going to be happy that I don’t pay the premiums. It does cover vision and dental up to a point so that’s nice. A few years ago we had amazing insurance but my boss has a partner in a different store and he was not willing to pay the premiums for the better plan and legally they had to be the same so my boss lowered ours. That was dumb and now that old plan is not available at all.