Random Questions

I was just thinking “reading,” but you folks have brought up the memories! I would play “outdoor girls” with my sister and one of the little girls who lived down the street, or we would trade stickers. I also had a long-running “Barbie game” with one or two friends and my sister. It was such a long elaborate story that I even wrote down some of it. Lots of imaginative stuff!


Ooooh stamps! That’s a good reminder. We had a book of stamps and we would spend ages just like. Looking at them, sorting them, drawing pictures of them? Hours of fun.


Coloring books (I don’t think those were mentioned before).


Oooh, also puzzle books - when I was still pretty young we did the word search puzzles (the ones where you have a list of words and you circle them in the grid).


stamps - soaking them off the envelopes, drying them on paper towels, sorting them
putting beads on safety pins
organizing stickers


I still love word searches :joy: they’re my go to when I’m trying to reduce screen time, for a fidgety thing to do during a meal.


I should start doing them again! They are just challenging enough to quiet/occupy the mind, but not so much to be a burden or a big amount of effort!


These ones have some fun special puzzles where they’ll like, not have vowels, or you have a bend at some point in each word. Very fun!


Interrupting this conversation like the koolaid man to ask,
anyone got a fave cookie recipe for limited pantry items?
I don’t want to go to the storeeee on xmas eve

Any good recipes for not many ingredients??

I have regular sugar, flour, eggs, vanilla. But partner doesn’t like sugar cookies. Anyone have an ORANGE cookie they like?


do you have any random jam? you could make (orange) thumbprint cookies.


I have… Raspberry jam!


I had a sister and plenty of neighbors, but I was pretty happy on my own. I resisted my gregarious mother’s attempts to socialize me, because I was pretty happy to be left in peace to read.

I had a stable full of plastic horses with rich interior lives. We did get tossed outside pretty often, and we made houses with pine needles. I do remember my sister and I built a whole tiny village in one of our mom’s many flower beds.

The tv was actually always on but there were only three channels and not that much we wanted to watch. My parents were big on the news.


I used to throw a lot of orange zest in a blondie recipe and use the juice for part of the liquid and it was amazing. You could do that to a sugar cookie!


Has anyone watched Bad Sisters on appletv?

Does anyone have advice for how to know when is a good time to buy tires? Mine are kinda sketch. I want to get a set of 4 but I want a fancy rebate. Do I just have to check periodically at all my local tire store websites? How do I know when it’s a good deal? Should I go to Costco?

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I’ve never been sorry to go through Costco. :woman_shrugging:

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I don’t know if they have added a season by now but I watched season 1 quite a while ago and very much enjoyed it. Rather dark, obviously…

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I’ve been really happy with Discount tire. I like that no matter where I am on a road trip, there’s almost always a discount tire and they do free flat repairs/rotations


Can also get insurance on your tires when you buy them. It was $20 per tires when I did it a few years ago and was well worth it. The same damn tire got a nail in it like 3 times in 6 months. Completely free replacement each time and I just had to pay the $20 to add the insurance into the replacement tire. Iirc Costco had that option too. We went with Costco for snow tires because they had a good sale when we wanted to buy them


I have an ethical question. I ordered two toys as a gift and the company sent me 26 of the toy! They clearly just pulled a whole box off the shelf not realizing that there were multiple units inside. I informed them, because this is like $1000 worth of product and they acknowledged and said they would get back to me. That was like 2 weeks ago and meanwhile I have this huge box taking up space in my house.

My question is, how long do I have to hold onto this stuff? I’ve emailed them again with no response. I’m not paying to ship this back to them and I feel like the ball is in their court.