Random Questions

I bet they had some angry spouses show up in the past and that’s why they want the spouse there now!


Ironically, I got my PT recommendation from my chiropractor.
I’ve had a couple of good chiropractors. They’ve been able to, over the course of a few weeks, take me from being in a lot of pain to a lot less pain.
Could a PT have done the same thing, but faster? I don’t know.
I’ve also had a couple of chiropractors I stopped seeing.

Chiropractors have not been able to permanently FIX any problems for me. They talk about how people need continued chiropractic care.
Will the physical therapy I’m doing now eliminate my need for routine chiropractic care?
Again, I don’t know.
I do know once I’ve gotten to feeling good and stopped going, it’s just a matter of time before I am in pain again.
I also know that if I do only chiropractic care and don’t do yoga consistently, I end up in pain.
Time will tell if continuing to do the PT eliminates the need for ongoing chiropractic care.

FWIW I’m pushing 60. I can’t get away with a lot of the stuff I used to be able to get away with.


NONE of PT, chiro, massage or similar is permanent!

You need to leave with a treatment plan for what to do at home for maintenance, (maybe specific exercises and maybe lifestyle changes).

They can help you ID what problem you have and the most effective fixes as well as shorterm term pain relief and maybe treatment that helps the exercises work faster. Your body heals yourself, with help


True but the urologist who did the snip for the XFP required me to come sign a consent form and watch an informational VHS tape (you understand it was 2014).

Speaking of the XFP though… There is a set of husbands who do not respect their wives’ medical needs and might listen better to another man. I do not recommend marrying one if you can help it.


Canadian insurance coverage - apparently we can choose to not cover anyone in some categories i.e not cover kids for prescriptions. Am I missing something? Has anyone done this?

Their prescriptions should then be covered by OHIP, right?

And I think vision we might be able to do too?


I don’t think the prescriptions are covered, unless the child receives … I think it’s ACAD? it is for children with disabilities who are also in low income families (J1 does not qualify based on family income, but would qualify for the disability piece).

Eye exams are covered through OHIP annually for all children, however, if glasses are required, those are not.

There is a new dental health benefit, children under 12 with a family income of less than 90,000 per year are eligible for it. There is information on the CRA landing page when you sign into your CRA account right now


Child prescriptions are covered by OHIP+ under… 18? Unless they have private insurance.

I tried googling and ended up calling our pharmacist. He said the OHIP+ formulary covers all the cheap prescriptions but if a first or second line prescription doesn’t work for tge child, OHIP+ typically won’t cover it and private will. So with my experience with epilepsy and the kids having slightly worse asthma, we are deciding to go with private (their current asthma meds would be covered by OHIP+, but I can imagine it not being covered if we need something more, I wouldn’t qualify for OHIP+, but epilepsy has shown me how easy it is to need better than cheap meds).

It is a difference of $70/month. So if G was making less, it would be a harder question.

Also I love out small local pharmacist


Also our vision is lumped in with hospital visits, and we are at 10 nights in hospital for the kids in 2 years not including giving birth, so semi private is nice.

I feel so American putting thought into health insurance!

Our expensive add ons are keeping major dental (G has bad teeth), life insurance and LTD for G. And the major dental loops in endontics and periodontics which I think are bigger risks for him.


I need cleaning advice. I got this Columbia coat for D1 at Arc (like goodwill) last spring. It looked pretty much like this. I used shout spray on it and washed it in the washing machine. Some of it got lighter and some stayed the sabe. After a month of using it last season it’s back to looking like this. Is there a better way to try and clean it? It just looks so bad and it’s really bothering me, but I don’t want to buy her a new coat when she has this one already.


I would probably try rubbing in an oxyclean paste and letting it sit a bit prior to washing?


So I don’t know if this would work, but last year I got oil (bar & chain oil, oops) on my nice, expensive, Patagonia winter parka. I asked for recs and one thing people said was Dawn (on the oil) but also oxyclean. (Which is important because in addition to the obvious oil stain over the course of last winter it got incredibly dirty from me moving firewood in it all winter long (especially the cuffs and sleeves). Anyway, I did a cold water soak in the tub with Dawn on the oil and sort of hand washed it in the tub, then drained, rinsed (briefly), drained again, and then soaked in oxyclean - dissolved in hot water but then mixed into the cold water of the tub. I think I let it soak for only 4(?) hours? Then drained it and squeezed it out as much as possible and then ran it through a cold water rinse and spin in the washing machine and then tumbled with no heat with a couple of tennis balls (it is down insulated). Long story short, aside from a little bit of fabric wear on the cuffs, it looks BRAND NEW.

Good luck! :crossed_fingers::sparkles:

(PS I was convinced I was going to ruin a very expensive coat (although honestly it was already ruined, though it was still wearable it looked like trash), and it turned out essentially perfectly!


Is there a difference between normal oxyclean and oxyclean white revive for this?


Best mobile carrier at the moment? Most cost effective with decent coverage in the North east is what we care about most.

I’ve had Mint Mobile for several years and been happy with it (one phone, 5G/mo data, $15). My experience in the northeast has been mostly around cities (Boston, NYC, Philadelphia) and no problems in any of them, but it’s on the T-mobile network so you could take a look at their coverage map to make sure it would work for you.

They have some kind of ‘unlimited’ offer going on for the next couple days if you were looking at more data or lines (I don’t know the details), and if you’re interested in a referral I can offer one that I think gives both of us some kind of discount, although I think several other people on here can offer one as well.

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A few big ifs, but if Verizon coverage is good in your area and you have Xfinity for internet, Xfinity Mobile can be ridiculously cheap if you do a “pay by the gig” plan. On a low month we pay $15+tax for one gig shared between us! This past month was relatively high data use and it was still only $45+tax for two lines. Cell service has been very solid (which I can’t say for Google FI and Ting) and I’ve been very happy. If you decide to try it out I can send you a referral link!

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I also vote against google fi. Terrible service coverage here in NY.


Thanks all - I went with Ting after checking with friends here who have the service. Good coverage in our area and great customer service so far!


Anyone have thoughts on aluminum wiring in houses? The house we’re under contract to buy has single-strand aluminum wiring (built 1971), and we’re trying to figure out what concessions to request from the sellers/at what stage is it a dealbreaker.

Obviously at minimum we’d have the sellers pay to have an electrician take a look, but we’re trying to figure out our stance. The internet has opinions ranging from “your house will burn down immediately, rewire the entire house” to “make sure the connections are secure/do some pig-tailing and you’ll be fine.”

Halp plz :grimacing: Thank youuuuuuuu


Message me?


The house I currently live in has knob and tube wiring, which is more antiquated than aluminum. I had an electrician look at it and confirm that it’s in good shape and not a fire hazard, so now the plan is to update it before I sell the house but not worry for now.
It’s not ideal but the house has been there for over a century and hasn’t burned down yet so :person_shrugging: