Random Questions

People with chest freezers: how do you organize them?

I am happy to accept general principles and/or specific product recommendations.

The one we just got has like a shelf thing (presumably there are important freezing parts in there) and a wire basket on the right, so that’s fairly straightforward, but then the left half is just a big cavity. We are unlikely to freeze anything big enough to need all that space so I’m thinking some kind of shelves or stacking baskets?

Also, how do you keep track of what’s inside? I was thinking a white board, but the one we have in the kitchen is so hard to erase that I’m having second thoughts.


I have seen people use dry erase marker right on the freezer.

I’ve got meat grouped together is bags, but otherwise I’m going with Surprise! It’s chicken for dinner!


A constant life struggle haha. Ours has plastic dividers so each “slot” is a category, with large/less accessed stuff on the bottom like roasts then ground beef. We have a giant white board in the kitchen I use to track life, including freezer contents. It probably helps that our chest freezer is mainly bulk meat purchases versus prepped food?

I really want one of those upright freezers with drawers. Like this-


The tetris method in which I wedge vacuum-packed meat and bags of frozen vegetables in in the most efficient way possible. Which, coincidentally, makes it impossible to get anything out without having to half-unpack the thing so I don’t actually recommend it (I keep saying I’m going to reorganize and then…don’t).

Having said that, a dry erase board makes it pretty easy to keep track of what’s buried in there…I currently have three of the little magnetic kind on my fridge, one for the upstairs freezer (regular freezer), one for the downstairs freezer (chest freezer), and one for dry goods. I used to have one for the fridge too, but that ended up being kind of pointless.


I want to find a new mindless game that I can play on my phone. I like match 3 the games like candy crush/farm heroes/royal match but I HATE when they have a million pop ups for bonuses and mini games and challenges that pop up between every level. Just let me play the f’ing game!


I play Toon Blast (fine) and Cookie Jam (more than Toon Blast but not as bad as some other games I’ve had and deleted from frustration). And even Cookie Jam, some of the pop ups are taking you to weekly challenge type things so it’s still the game, it’s just kind of a side path instead of the main level progress. It’s very much a Candy Crush knock off though.

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I Love Hue has a cheap ad free upgrade option! It’s so soothing.

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Oooh there is a Harry Potter one!

I have used this app to track what’s in my freezer and pantry:

I like the bar code scanner feature which makes it easy once a product has been entered.


My plant is sick. Should I try repotting it and watering more often? It was a gift and I do not know plants.


Lift it from the pot and see if it’s rootbound. Often plants get sad when their roots run out of space.


I’m a big fan of Bloons tower defense 6. It’s like $7 but has no ads and I get so much entertainment value from it.

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I have Simon’s Cat Crunch Time on my phone. After a while there are ads but if you make any purchase they go away. So I spent like $2 to buy coins, well worth it for the quality of the game. I think there are only popups for “events” when you first log on.

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I just got mine last month, so it isn’t full, but I use the Full Chaos method.


PS on inventory tracking.
I used a dry erase board for a while.
My sister saw it, and gave me this look, and I could tell she was mentally evaluating me for dementia / Alzheimer’s.
You might be young enough to get away with it but after a certain age people look at you differently.


Yes, quite root bound. Repotting is the solution?

A bigger pot, or split the plant and only put half back.


It is still in the disposable pot it came in. I think I have a bigger one and some potting soil in the garage.


It’s a mum, yes? And it lives outside?

Clip the dead flowers off so it can bloom some more.

If you plant it in the ground it might overwinter, depending on the variety.


The tag says it’s a houseplant. It was a gift.

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