Random Questions

It’s in Disney plus but I cannot recommend the National Treasure TV show enough. It is like Gen Z crossed with National Treasure and no Nick Cage. Mr. Ninja and I watched it while on leave and it was the perfect vibe. Some suspense but all pretty light hearted and interesting. You know it’s going to be happy in the end.


White Collar is my favorite series of all time. The first season has bad filming and was low budget but it gets so much better! I love the dynamics of the characters and the white collar crimes. “Sex” scenes are limited and only kissing and not a major plot point. Very limited violence (like sword/fist fights and explosions once every 5-10 episodes but no gore and always so cheesy). I love Neal Caffery and Peter and Mozzie.


This sounds DELIGHTFUL


It really was DELIGHTFUL! There are some political themes (like the main character is a girl with DACA status) but it plays well into the show. Like the difficulty of relationships when you have DACA.

There is trials of friendship, of love, of cute Gen Z jokes and trying to find shoes. Wholesome. “Violence” is some fight scenes, some shoot outs without any gore in the national treasure style. No sex, and I don’t remember any swearing but if there is some I’m sorry.

We also rewatched the two National Treasure movies first which are also on DisneyPlus lol


Omg I love Mozzie. I still call the actor Mozzie when he shows up on anything else.


I haven’t seen any of these but now I want to!

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There is a National Treasure tv show?!? A lot of movies /tv make me feel awkward or uncomfortable so we don’t watch a lot of them, but strangely all of the National Treasures are a-ok


I feel that too! Sometimes lots of cringe in shows that make them hard to watch. But I agree that national treasure was great!


Leverage is excellent for binge watching

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My reaction. Now I must see.


Question for the masses:
I am working on a comparison calculator thing as I continue my job search.
I know that my company has particularly good benefits only because folks always talk about how we have great benefits. However, it’s pretty much the only job I’ve ever had which included any benefits. I currently pay $0 monthly premium for my health insurance. Last year I had a fancier plan, which was… I think $50/mo. All coverage and benefits began on day one (which maybe also isn’t typical?). I have calculated using our HR tool that my annual benefits are worth ~$11,500.

I want to get a rough idea of what might be :artificial_satellite: out there :artificial_satellite: without asking every single interviewer for plan specifics, which is a weird early discussion question, and I have found that even in later stage interviews, they seem to not know half of the time.

So ok, I am rambling… onward!
What do most folks at most jobs generally pay as a monthly premium for health insurance?


I worked at a place like that once…I miss $0 premiums! Most places will have lots of confusing options based on different out of pocket costs and copays so it’s really hard to compare. I will try to take a screenshot of my current options and can dm them to you?


I used to work at a large tech co. I paid $70/mo for an individual plan. I think $140/mo was for the family. My partner with a state job would pay $0 if she was full time.

I’ve seen anywhere from $0 to several hundred per month, and then of course actual coverage varies a lot! Good luck with the search. :slightly_smiling_face:


I pay $120/month for the nicest plan offered, which is still a $1500 deductible. We have a high deductible plan option too that is I think $60/month with a $500/yr deposit into HSA by the company. I have friends who pay up to $300/month and friends who pay $0. I think the range is usually between $0-$300 a month from what I’ve heard from friends/acquaintances


I have a $0 monthly premium, $1500 deductible, and my company puts $1100ish into my HSA a year.


What is the best free tool to download and isolate snippets of songs? I want to get just 2 to 5 second clips of songs, but don’t know how.

OK I need some advice y’all. So I got that student loan refund money sitting in my HYSA I’m gonna have to pay that back at interest rates ranging from 3.4% to 6.8%. However, I have a $16K balance credit card with over 16% interest. I’m getting like $200-some added back to the balance every month due to interest.

I had a thought the other day. Should I take some money (I’m not comfortable doing the whole $16K) and pay down the balance of the credit card? I’d be saving at least 13% interest.

Or is that crazy?


I think reducing the cc debt is the smart move.


I think you should! 16% is a lot.


I’d agree on as much as the cc debt as you’re comfortable paying down. I’d also ask if is this a case where it’s worth looking around for a 0% card to transfer the balance to and give yourself some extra time to work on (I know some people aren’t comfortable doing that, but it’s a way to get some breathing room if you are).