Random Questions

You’re over thinking it.
A post it note on your phone.


Memo app?


Background pic of the thing.


Calendar reminder? Mine pop up without an alarm


You all are brilliant. I was overcomplicating it thinking "I should make an APP which pops up when I look at my phone in the morning and asks me to do the thing.

Post it note or background is much more simple facepalm


Does anyone have Apple TV? I got a free year with my new iPad but haven’t looked into it yet. Anything really good there?

I don’t have it. I have consistently heard good things about Ted Lasso, which I plan to watch whenever I wind up with Apple TV (or time to use a free trial).

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I loved the Morning Show and binged it.

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I haven’t signed up yet but I also got a free year. I really want to see Dickinson.

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This is silly but also kind of annoying every month: all my automatic donations come out on different days, meaning I have to do math about what is left in my budget. Has anyone redone their subscriptions/giving so that it all gets charged on the same day? How? Was it worth it or am I fixating on a minor administrative thing because it gives me an illusion of control?


I know at my org and the last one I was at before this one we would be willing to adjust the day of a recurring charge. Recurring monthly donors are worth their weight in gold in the philanthropy world, it doesn’t hurt to ask.


If donations are going to a credit card, you could just adjust the credit card due date and let them charge whenever (so only one date for you to mess with). That doesn’t work if it’s coming from a bank account though.


MSF (Doctor’s without boarders) wouldn’t let me change the date. I did realize that half of the donations are on a credit card that won’t update in YNAB, so I can just set the date to the 1st in the software and not actually adjust the charge in real life. The rest come out by the 5th of the month. I might have solved my problem with only one 75 second phone call of work.


Is it better to save money in my HSA or my 401k?

My HSA has enough money in it to pay the out-of-network deductible/OOP max on both my family plan and my husband’s individual plan, plus a tiny bit extra. If I put anything in at all, my amazing company contributes $2k.

Should I keep filling it up? I know that the HSA is all triple tax advantaged, but if I put less money toward that, I could put MORE money into my retirement.


I’d put in enough to get that $2K from your employer.


An HSA is a retirement account. You pay tax on withdrawals for non medical expenses after you got age 65, but no penalties. So it essentially is a 401k at that point, but you never have to pay the FICA tax. Plus anything you do pay toward medical bills is never taxed at all.


If you’re choosing between one or the other, I’d

  1. contribute enough to each to get whatever match your employer offers,

  2. calculate likely medical costs for the year to see what might be left if you don’t contribute more than the minimum and decide if you are happy with that amount for 2022, and

  3. look at the expense ratios/fees for the funds offered in both and go for the one that charges the least amount for you to invest your money long-term.


Handy people, please help!

I have wooden chairs where the cross support piece on one side is coming loose. It’s loose enough that it shifts noticeably when I sit on it, making me afraid the chair is going to break, but not loose enough to take the chair apart and re-glue the pieces. It fits pretty tightly, so I don’t see how I could get glue in the hole without taking it apart. Is glue even the right tool here? How can I fix this?

This is the piece I’m talking about.


I also really want to see the new movie Wolfwalkers on Apple TV+. Getting “best of the year” reviews.

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Please help US taxes are confusing