Random Questions

I’m not a medical expert like Elle, but I have two severely herniated discs that cause pain and sciatica. The biggest thing that helped me past crisis pain and sciatica were Airrosti centers, although there may not be any near you (they’re kind of a combination between chiropractors and physical therapy, is my understanding).

For maintenance, the biggest thing that helps me is foam rolling my back (upper, lower, and middle), hips, hamstrings, calves, and quads. I also do stretches where I lie on my back, with a towel folded under the small of my back, feet flat on ground and legs bent, then raise and straighten each leg as much as possible. You can even loop a towel around your foot and hold with both hands as you raise the leg to keep it straight as possible. Hopefully that all makes sense ha

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I just ordered a lumbar support for office chair or car, hopefully that helps. What do you think about a back brace for gardening or house cleaning? Do they help?

Question about Ally Bank: Do they let you have multiple savings accounts open at once?

I use CapitalOne360 and for many years after they took over from ING I’ve been relatively happy with them. At least not unhappy enough to switch. One of the things I really like is that they let you have multiple savings accounts so I have a joint one with my spouse, one that’s mine (pre-marital money) and one for venmo (I don’t like venmo being linked to an account with more than a couple hundred dollars in it).

CapitalOne is pissing me off though, because for the second time in the last couple years, they have renamed their ‘savings account’ and starting dropping the APY on existing accounts while advertising the nice high rates on the new vehicle. It’s deceitful and I’m over it.


Yep! I used to budget my money by having a different savings account for each bucket. Ally has been dropping their APY rates this year in response to actions taken by the Federal Reserve, though.

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Yay, thanks!

It still looks like their rates are higher than CapitalOne.

Checking is similar at 0.1%-0.5% APY depending on balance vs 0.1% at Capital One
Savings is higher at 1.1% APY vs. the ‘current’ CapitalOne of 1.0% but they’ve dropped ours to 0.8% because it has a slightly different name.

I have been super happy with Ally. Customer service is fantastic, rates are good, I get reimbursed for ATM fees.


Uggh right there with you. I miss my ING account! We’ve been using 360 as well and I love being able to create different accounts and using them as “envelopes” but the benefits are really not there any more outside of that. Their customer service is also not good.

I’ll be following this thread since switching banks has been on my list to do as well

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I know I’m late but your new kitchen is gorgeous @Ckni27 !!!


Thank you! I can’t wait to roll out some pastries on that island! Or I might just hug it and sob with joy for all the space, haven’t decided which I want to do first…


OMG right? Having so much counter space is an absolute dream. My favorite thing is being able to keep appliances out all the time. I bake wayyyy more now because of it.


Oh also @Smacky, our realtor said at the very least he will try to get the sellers to give us the receipt for the fridge so we can swap it, if not swap it themselves. So fingers crossed I don’t have to find a store willing to do it but I’m glad I have that solution in my back pocket just in case!


YES SAME. I am wondering if I will maybe start to enjoy cooking more because I will actually have space to do it? I have always felt like no matter what I do my kitchen ends up a disaster when I cook so the extra work puts me off doing it. With this there is more space and a better layout so I might not feel like that as much. Or I’ll just enjoy watching H cook instead :rofl:


Oh it’s wayyyy easier to cook. For sure. I also like the H cooking idea :slight_smile: haha.


Does anyone have any home pain remedies for cats? My parents’ old cat is very stiff and slow. She’s eating fine, still drinking, but she’s 18 and just all skin and bones. They think she’s in pain but they’re also worried about taking her to the vet (my dad is worried that the vet is going to do hundreds of dollars of tests to tell them that she’s old, and my mom is scared that they’re going to tell her that they need to put the cat down). I’m working on getting them to get her the veterinary care, but in the meantime – any known remedies? I don’t know of any.


I know that a lot of people do CBd oil. And if they’ve used rescue remedy for stress it might help.

Do you think that they could call the vet? Or you call? I think for an 18 year old they’d be open to gentle and palliative treatment


If you plan to recommend any OTC supplements to them I’d look up exact dosage and administration route yourself and give them very explicit info because small differences can be a problem for cats, not as much dogs.

The trick with cats is there aren’t many anti inflammatories or pain meds that can be given without knowing their kidneys or liver can metabolize properly. Acupuncture has shown evidence-based benefits for arthritis - if there are vets in their area that offer acupuncture, most here will do those visits without regular exams/labs/etc being required. A lot of them here do home visits for that, too, because it’s lower stress for the pet.

ETA - adding more fatty acids can help w inflammation - either a purchased oil from Chewy etc or even just salmon with the regular diet (but making sure not to switch diet to primarily fish).


Thank you both so much!

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Anyone know what these are?

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Headphone adapters for plane inputs.


Put them in the not for 2020 box