Random Questions

I personally would still drink from them, but that’s me!

But I wouldn’t put plastic water bottles in the dishwasher. Even if they’re BPA-free I’m sure another chemical is used that may not be safe.


Same here as well.

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What is this new MMM bullshit about? Is it now a pay-to-play site? And the agreement seems far more limiting of expression than the previous agreement which was pretty much “don’t be a dick.”

I would like to know how they will determine what is “inaccurate” information that we are not supposed to post.

They couldn’t warn us of this change?,

What the actual fk.

This is PART of the new agreement and lays oit what we are not supposed to post.

“…false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum…”

Does Pete just want to kill the forums?


Same - got an alert about now requiring a one-time $5 registration fee. Considering how much $ the site reportedly pulls in - this seems like BS, though it’s couched as a response to spam attempts.

I wondered if it’s a hack. (ETA: though the long message suggests not a hack to me based on language and phrasing, etc.)


Aren’t face punches inherently abusive?
New rules will eradicate the “Off Topic” section (and good riddance for the most part).


It seems to be widespread.

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I wondered this too, but also - thought there are too many words


Wonder if he is getting sued for some reason?


oh that could be. We were speculating perhaps bought out

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I tried looking for any message on the homepage, or twitter or instagram - I didn’t find anything but gave up on scrolling through things.

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If he’s being sued he may not be able to talk about it!

Surely he could say - hey, we’re making changes to the forum somewhere. It’s quite bizarre. Glad we all have OMD!


The same thing kinda happened on a piano forum I’m on. The new owners suddenly pumped in tons of ads, some malicious that downloaded files to people’s computers! Someone created a new forum and a bunch of people went there.

So glad there’s an alternative, a much better one :slight_smile:

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Yes, OMD is great for many things. Including getting breaking news on what’s happening at the other place. Or so I hope because this thread is the most info I’ve found anywhere so far!


just as an FYI:

@BiblioFeroz also started a thread on this


I think if he opens up the conversation people are going to jump all over him, and he can’t have a conversation so he’s effectively shutting down the forum and making up a fake reason for it.

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It appears that the landing page has been updated, you can now click “I agree,” and get into the forums.

I was not asked to make a payment


The message mentioned the fee as a way to prevent spam accounts, so I bet existing accounts are grandfathered in without needing to pay.

I do not personally have any issue with the updated terms.

I am back in now too. Thanks everyone!


Wonder if @moderators could move discussion here to that thread?