Random questions, postpartum edition

Ty ty ty and lafyduck.


I had a similar dip in supply when recovering from covid, baby was 2.5 months. It did come back, though was a lot of work. A virtual LC helped me. Hydration, eating, and sleep for mama are the foundations. G (or someone) is gonna have to wait on you hand and foot while you recover. I ate a lot of chicken wild rice soup with heavy cream. Chili. Cake. Frosting. (I think some of these don’t work for you bc of other health needs, but think fatty and rich.) If you want to add on more, a combination of these also helped: lactation cookies with coconut milk, flax seed, and oats; sunflower lecithin supplements, pumping after feeding to turbocharge supply.

This was a shit ton of work. At some point, I called it good enough and embraced combo feeding - we probably hung out at 60-70% breastmilk for several months, and then tapered even more. I did want to keep up some BF to get covid and other antibodies in him (this was Dec-Jan 20-21 and he was very tiny).

I think I wrote a more detailed ramble on another journal here recently but site search is down. I’ll find and link to it when it’s back up.


Normally my parrnts would 109% help or g and his mom do 70%

G’s mom is withSIL who gave burth to #3 sat yay!

My grandad passedthosmornibv

So survival modeit is


I am so sorry to hear your grandfather passed.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m thinking of you guys. Too much. You’ve had too much this year.

Ooof. So sorry to hear. :broken_heart:

I’m so sorry, Elle.

So sorry for your loss :blue_heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss, Elle.


Thinking of you and your family. And you in the middle of joy and grief and that meaning no help for you. It’s a lot to carry.

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When do I stop bleeding. It’s been two months. I did get an IUD put in at my 6week so maybe that’s the cause of the current bleeding. I’m probably going thru 3-4 liners a day, so it’s not a lot of blood, but wow is it annoying


Has it been every day since birth or just since IUD? Out of my depth here but if you have a way to call/email an ob/np/provider that could be good.

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which iud did you get? If it is the paraguard, I had bleeding almost every day with it and then a bloodbath of blood on my periods. I had it taken out 6 months later.

Edited to add: Apparently my sleepy brain isn’t fully awake yet. I had it for almost a full year. Put in at 6 weeks pp and taken out when L turned a year old. I actually just had occasional spotting the first 6 months until I got my first pp period. Then it was a bloodbath every month with spotting daily in between. I had it for 6 periods before it was taken out.

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It kind of ebbs and flows, it was ebbing around the time of the IUD but then it’s been consistent since then :confused:

Thats worth a call to your doctor.


That one has progesterone, like the mirena. I also had daily spotting with the mirena one but less than with the paraguard. You don’t want to see my chart for the past 3 months, there are probably like, 2 days that don’t show the symbol for spotting. I would definitely ask your doctor. Mine warned me that for the first 3-6 months there would be lots of spotting that would eventually go down and that I might lose my periods all together after that.

I had the paraguard before pregnancy and it did make my periods heavier, but no spotting between :confused:

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Yes, Seconded.

Call the Doctor.


Midwife says bleeding is no cause for concern in the first three months of IUD. Blergh