Random Questions, Parenting Edition

That being said, I pulled a Facebook group for moms that I’m in with kids that all had the same due date month, and a bunch of people thought that it was creepy and desperate and weird. :cry: So needless to say I haven’t done it.


Which is ironic because I have since then made a neighborhood weekly playgroup with a ton of toddlers (that required doing the hand the phone over thing to get everyone’s numbers) and I’ve gotten nothing but constant compliments from different parents being super grateful that I did it. So maybe I’m sad and creepy and pathetic, but I’m willing to put myself out there and other people seem to appreciate the hell out of it, so boo to them.


Its a standard thing here that our government supported mothers groups get turned into a facebook group or whatsapp chat group. Your first group was the odd ducks, methinks.


No they think doing the cards is weird.

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Oh ok. I mean i think the cards is overkill but also adorable, mostly because business cards come in like 50/packet or more. I just write a little letter on bits of paper for Duckling to give to his friends.


See but I was thinking it would be so nice to have a few of them in the stroller. Because I can’t keep pen and paper in the stroller otherwise Latte runs off and commits chaos with it. But cards are self contained and already printed. And it’s only like eight bucks to get like 50 of them when you use one of the promotions for some of the mega companies for that stuff here in the US.

ETA as I said I decided NOT to do them, but I def see the appeal. And don’t get the massive judgement it gets.


Me either. People need to keep their energy to themselves.


Oh and plus my handwriting is shit :joy: so there’s that


If it was Ponder I probably would recommend business cards so we actually had a call back :joy: good point


I’d never have thought to do that but it makes sense to have something quick and easy to give out. I’d probably think that mum was way too organised :sweat_smile: but not sad and creepy and pathetic.


I might make business cards for meowlet in rebellion of the idea that it’s creepy or weird or anything but efficient and helpful. I’m not taking that shit from parents who post their kids lives and faces on a mostly public, stranger filled social network that uses them for profit!


To be fair we’re in a private group. And I also sometimes post Latte’s photos and talk about her in that group. Cuz support is important :woman_shrugging: On the whole they’re great folks, and it’s been the same small (less than 100) group of us for over 3 years now.


At the end of last school year I printed out something similar on printer paper and then cut it up, so it wasn’t business cards but it was still a small section of paper that served the same purpose. I didn’t hear back at all but they may have been lost in all the papers that got sent home at the end of the year.


Oh i don’t have any particular judgments of people using social to share pics. Just pointing out the creepy factor of some cards from a parent trying to say hi is very low and sort of absurd.


Well, the cards are definitely cuter than the random pieces of paper I have stuck on the fridge with people’s phone # from the park, so the little boy might need some business cards.

There haven’t been too many play dates with people we didn’t already know over the last two years, for obvious reasons, so I didn’t realize this was a thing.

However, the little boy has his own debit card, which is also pretty funny!


Laura Ingalls Wilder was racist AF but also her books are a snapshot of her time and place - in Little Town on The Prairie they get introduced to the calling card (see also Regency and Victorian romance novels) and the calling cards are quickly taken up by the young girls as a great social thing. Similarly I had an autograph book the first time I went to summer camp! (Used like yearbooks for messages and good wishes).

I might be organized enough for the printer paper kind but not the other kind. You can also buy printer business cards


We don’t own a printer so honestly a vista print coupon I can do from my phone would be more likely :joy:


I have an etiquette book from the 1890s and about 75% of it is about calling cards and making calls. LOL


This is the first time I’ve heard of this idea with the cards, but I like it. I am desperate and weird though and if they can’t accept that we can’t be friends!


This :joy: this is my vibe.