Random Questions, Parenting Edition

I can discuss cloth diapers at length, and tell husband to look up diaper services near you - they drop off clean cloth and pick up dirties and imho are one of the best options to break dependence on disposable. Also i got twelve weeks of one as my baby shower gift and it was the best. Also if you want thoughts on cloth or laundry let me know because i’m obnoxious

But yeah, you can ask for diapers on your registry. It seems really common to ask and receive and you can usually exchange name brand diapers at big retailers


Any good postpartum fitness resources? I need to look at the post partum trainer again for one

I’m definitely interested in a delivery service, and I’m sure Chicago has at least a few options!


I wish you could talk to Ponder for me. I want to switch to cloth but he is unsupportive, and doing cloth by myself is not something im willing or able to do.


Yeah we’ve been living here for two years now and we just…take their stuff out of the machines if it’s been a while and we don’t sense movement. But I feel like diapers are different for some reason? Maybe not if they’re pre-rinsed, etc.


We went with disposables after a very modest review of whether they were that much worse for the environment in areas of sever drought where we live. If they are unopened you can exchange them but I usually just donated anything we had left over because it’s a real need for housing insecure parents.

It’s really hard to know how many of what size because kids grow at different rates, but I’d start with a few large boxes of 1, 2, and maybe 3 if you have the storage space? Or just ask for gift cards and use those to buy diapers.


I lost your number, but I’m very willing to do so!


Newborn diapers are great! More food is more gross… but i either do a diaper wash then add clothes for a second wash, or a weird heavy wash pre wash extra rinse 2.5h cycle. And borax is my friend.

Personally I don’t think diapers are too gross, and kids WILL get pee or poop on non diapers anyway


I may take you up on it. As long as your number hasnt changed, I still have yours.

Postpartum fitness:


If you have POP or think you might be genetically predisposed to it popuplift is a good resource and training program. Costs money though.


What is POP?

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Pelvic organ prolapse—typically bladder, uterus, or rectum, or some combination of the three.


Ah cheers. I’m familiar with it, just not as an acronym.

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When did your baby actually sleep in their crib? Did they ever? Should I just buy the bedside bassinet and not worry about a crib until we actually feel it’s needed, or should I get one before birth just so we have it ready/waiting if the need comes up?


Around 3.5- 4 months we swapped from our halo bassinet to her crib that baaaarely fit in our room. This is because the halo pivots, and she would “whale tail” smash her legs down and swing herself into the wall over and over :joy: she slept in the crib (and we moved houses, then moved her into her own room around 9 months) once she started crawling out sometime between 2 and 2.5 years.


Momma strong is amazing.


Even when she was in the bassinet, we had the crib in another room. This way when one parent got up super early or in the middle of the night with her, she could be put back down again for sleep while the first parent kept sleeping. And so that she could take daytime naps in there if we wanted. Having to sleep areas gave us a lot more flexibility for her sleep and one parent to be able to sleep undisturbed in our tiny apartment at that time.


I liked our pack n play for the beginning. Was near the bed. .
But honestly id just start with crib next time.

Pack n plays are always good to have tho if u wanna try it out.


I will say, even though we only used it for a short time I really liked having the halo. I had a very difficult long birth and a C-section. I could not have gotten her in and out of the crib independently for many weeks.


Small apartment dweller here. I didn’t consider the crib as one of two distinct safe sleep zones! That’s very smart. I’m leaning towards getting one before birth.