At some point this has to be the way! They’re going to be adults who have to use critical thinking skills to make their own choices!!
It’s really refreshing to hear a range of approaches to YouTube and screentime generally. I started reading Unplugging Childhood and it’s already giving me panic attacks on how I ruined my kids lifelong habits. But jury’s out on how much I hate it when I actually am done.
I just have a hard time taking smeone seriously when their mom was able to quit to homeschool them and they have fond memories of thewoodfire stove in their at home classroom. -_-
Haha hello. My mother worked nights and homeschooled me and the wood stove was for heat which meant it was one million degrees in there but 11 degrees in the rest of the home, but it was the cheapest heating form. We had too many kids for the allotted resources, not enough oversight from adults, and corporal punishment. So umm not as fond of memories. But you could spin it like an influencer and it would sound very different.
Hahaha sorry to be ignorant. I maligned a lifestyle I have never had! I DO take you seriously, idyllic Christian Influencer upbringing and all! (this last bit is a joke, does sound rough!)
It’s interesting to see how things are spun, yeah.
“Not enough oversight from adults” is probably praised since so many activities are adult directed now. teaches leadership! blah blah.
No I didn’t mean this at all! I was just observing that things are not always what they seem, especially in the content creator space.
fair! I also am struggling to figure out the screentime stuff because…
the nuclear option she recomends of getting rid of all screens in the house is not possible in a shared home
my own screen habits are garbage
screens bring a lot of joy and connection into our lives
my kid is autistic and it seems there is some credence to screens being very helpful (social stories, regulation)
Cuckoo was doing really well going potty until we put her in undies and now she pees like every 25 minutes. Like during dinner, when she went just before. She doesn’t seem to notice when she pees in them but DOES often say that she is peeing in her pill up or whatever.
We’re going to try more naked bottom time tomorrow but I’m interested in what experiences others have had with this problem! Cuckoo is almost 2 1/2 and seems to like to use the potty and does often go unprompted - just not often enough! WWYD?
How do you feel about commando with shorts or pants? B2 needed that for a while. He’s just started undies regularly in Dec. so about 6mo no undies.
That’s an idea actually. She has a lot of dresses being my first AFAB baby so we can also do those with commando! Will try both ways!
Each of my girls had many months of naked under dresses. That’s why they had so many dresses!
What is the probability that my 17 month old figured out doorknobs?
I very intentionally went and shut the door so I could clean my room with her safely inside with me and notice it is suspiciously quiet and I run out in the hallway through the definitely open door and she’s standing at the top of the stairs.
So in trying to figure out if I shut it badly or if she opened it.
That’s a real long shot AFAIK. None of mine did it before 2.
I’m really hoping it just didn’t quite latch or something. Because otherwise fuuuuuuu
D2 did before she was 18 months old. And D2 was 24 months old when we moved into this house and it only took a few weeks for her to do it. You just have to buy the white doorknob cover things and put them on all of the doors. They just figured out those a few weeks ago, so it saves you a few years. (D1 figured it out, then taught D2 and within a week she could do it too).
Yep, on track as far as mine go. White door cover things. Warning that before 2 mine were inconsistent door openers. So open door, close door, hide, be stuck