Random Questions, Parenting Edition

In a related question, then, have you seen the Chunk, and does it look similarly robust to you? We don’t really have space for a nugget, but I think I can squeeze in an ottoman and my husband won’t die of stuff-overload :sweat_smile:


I have not seen one in person! I don’t think you could do nearly as much in terms of jumps and climbing structured but it would be fun for imaginary play. So, depends on the kid IMO

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I would prefer to have both, but since shipping is free and they don’t seem to give a discount for multiple purchases, I’m going to lead with the ottoman and go from there :slight_smile:

In that vein, do they give you get discount codes or rebates or anything for referrals?

Also, my kids are 5 and 8, but are the liners worth buying?


I don’t have them. We don’t allow food or drinks out of the kitchen though so less of an issue. The times we’ve had like baby puke, it’s been fine because the covers are water resistant so you have time to clean if you’re right there.


Excellent. We don’t generally let the kids eat anywhere but the dining room/kitchen, so hopefully we’ll be fine. Good to know that the covers are water resistant!

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This is a pretty low stakes question.

If your kid picks a book to read, and you start reading it, and they wander away within earshot, do you keep reading it?

If they bring you a different book mid-book do you switch or make them wait until you finish the first book?

Does it depend on age?

This feels really silly to ask and I should probably just switch books but it bothers me to start a book and not finish it…


It depends, if it’s bedtime books I keep reading even if kiddo is bouncing around because ones the bedtime train starts we don’t get off lol. Otherwise, I probably stop reading if she’s not there and I am happy to switch books halfway through because my goal is to encourage joy of reading and having too many rules around books defeats the purpose.


The book “how to raise a reader” covers so much stuff like this, I really recommend it if you want to dive further! I’ll keep reading if they’re little and playing nearby. I am the podcast haha. And I’m happy to “read”- look at pages and talk about what they’re pointing out. A to Z is not my goal.


Lol mine will aggressively slap the book closed and scream “all done!!” Otherwise I like to just keep reading, especially if it’s bedtime like others say.


I keep reading. IIRC I switch books if he asks to partway through. There will be other opportunities to read the first book.


Oh you too? ALL DONE is raviolis favorite


Lol yes! Tired of a book? All done. Don’t like the food I made? All done. Bored in the grocery store? ALL DONE


Tonight he didn’t want me to sing him any songs that weren’t the ABCs so I heard “all done” in the middle of twinkle twinkle :joy:


Ha those are the same melody! He is discerning!


Igggh my first was a book sit and finisher and I didn’t know I was so spoiled.

So wandering away… I usually keep reading but not always. I will resume if asked but will probably push an ask nicely.

All done/smash closed. If only that kid was listenting, I stop, unless I want to finish for me. Then I do.

A big thing now is turns with books including for me. We also do turns for just reading (my preference) and for questions and discussion (also healthy but I sometimes hate it). At bedtime I might do once with questions and once no questions. Or save all questions for morning. B1 is too young or I’d make them save questions till the end.


Maybe this is just a Tiny Complaint, but does anybody else not find out any information about school until right before the first day?

My son starts TK (CA’s version of universal pre-K) at (hopefully) our local elementary in two weeks. No info from the school but according to other parents, we’ll get info about 3 days prior :woman_facepalming:t2:. I say “hopefully” our local school because I don’t know for sure that we’re enrolled. Supposedly if they had to move us to a different school they would’ve emailed. We did get confirmation from aftercare though, which is run separately from the school district.


Colorado’s universal pre-k program just started last summer. There were multiple enrollment periods to allow more care providers to sign up, and they did matching ~ every 2 months all year, but I don’t know if that will be typical for the future.

We found out school district enrollment by the end of the previous school year, but our applications were due in February, I think, so they still had a lot of time. For our 3rd grader, we find out this Friday afternoon what class he’s in, and school starts next Thursday. Our kindergartener has her evaluation next Wednesday, we find out Thursday what class she’s in, and she starts school the following Monday.

I think it’s a little crazy that you don’t even officially know what school you’re in. Not having info about the specific classroom is more understandable (except I assume there are only 1 or 2 preK classes).


I’m just sitting here thinking - well I hope he’s in our local school because if he’s not I have no aftercare lined up :woman_facepalming:t2: and TK ends at noon.


Yeah, not letting people know in advance is really shitty for anyone who DOESN’T get in. Finding childcare is hard! It takes a long time!

I called daycares when I was pregnant with my first, and one of them had a 2 year wait for their infant classrooms. How does that even work???


Oooh your district does after care for preschool?! Ours all start at kindergarten which makes things extra hard for preschool. But I did know for sure what school they were at, which is helpful.