Random Questions, Parenting Edition

I had it once and the skin on my palms basically sloughed off after blistering up :nauseated_face: I had blisters everywhere - on my feet, in my throat, in my nose - it was so terrible.

The kids I got it from had a few tiny red spots on their faces.


Yeah, D1 brought it home from school last fall and she had like, 3 spots total on her whole body. D2 and I had it so bad. The doctor said I had blisters completely lining my nose, sinus pathways, and throat. Plus hands and feet. It was way more miserable for me than covid.

Poor D2 had like the worst case any of my coworkers had ever seen. I was worried her face would be covered in scars forever.

All the good juju that no one ever has it that bad again.


TR is home from daycare. We moved him back to our house (that he’s never lived in) two days ago and I thought he was just having a hard time adjusting to the bed, room, & house (he’s only slept here a couple of times) hence the angry wakeups, but maybe he was just sick/uncomfortable the whole time? He had no bumps last night at bathtime so it all just emerged today.

We’re gonna keep them segregated for a few days and hope Spore is allowed back at daycare. Feeling SUPER lucky for our village.


@chaskavitch @hollaynia I wanted different facts but thanks for the info and​:crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:.

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Theoretically yes but anecdotally our preschooler did not catch it.

FYI our prior infection was ~ 10 months prior and our pediatrician said it was unlikely that the preschooler would get it again within that time period.


If you had a neighbor friend who was going to watch your baby (12 months at the start of this) for 1-1.5 hours some mornings while you drove your older kid for school drop off, what would be reasonable to pay?


I am perhaps a bad metric because I live in Chicago but I’d start with $20/hr min


Also I’d rather go too high than too low if it’s a friend.


I love this for you


Every babysitter we’ve used has been $25/hr, but in this case I think $20 - $25 would be fair since there’s little commuting involved


But is neighbor coming to your house or is she coming to you? That is relevant.

I used to pay as little as $10/hour for another mom to watch my kid at her own house but that was 10 years ago. But in HCOLA.


Speaking of babysitting… I have a colleague (young librarian) who is a professional nanny as a side gig and she is going to watch the cuckoo while I go to a wedding. I’m actually not sure what I’m paying her- it was going to be $25 for all three kids but it’s just the baby so I think it’s a little less.

She is arriving at 5:15 and we won’t be back until late. What is the protocol for DINNER as relates to grown adult babysitters? Does she bring her own, are we expected to provide something other than chicken nuggets, etc.?


Oooh, that’s an interesting question. When old babysitter would be at our house during a meal time she would make whatever we told her to for the girls and then usually she ordered doordash for herself and her children, since she usually brought her children with her. With the new babysitter we’ve told her that she can eat anything in the house but she usually just makes them their meal and doesn’t eat anything while she’s at our house.


Did she pay for her own Doordash?




I feel like with the old babysitter we didn’t specifically talk about what she or her kids would eat. Her son would almost always eat whatever the girls were having for snack times (therefore we were providing snacks for him too). There was only twice I can think of that she was at our house for an actual meal and both time I know she ordered door dash for herself and her kids.

With the new babysitter we have specifically told her, and her daughter on the days that her daughter comes to watch them, that they are allowed to eat anything we have in the house but as far as I’m aware neither one of them have ever eaten anything.


As a grown adult babysitter, I bring my own food when babysitting for an evening like you described, although I have a standing “help yourself to anything in the house” offer from the parents.


I would be dropping her off at neighbors house. And she’d be caring for her son (2.5) at the same time.


$15/hr or maybe a flat $20/day would strike me as a reasonable offer. But this is a tricky one! You’ll really have to talk it out delicately with her. I don’t know what your budget is.


The J’s took the bus to my friends house for years, and stayed with her for about a half hour until I got them.

I think I paid her $50 per week for that when it was one child, and $80 when J2 started school. She was home regardless, homeschooling her daughter, and liked having the structure to her day. She wasn’t seeking employment or even babysitting, so it was bonus money for her.

I probably slightly underpaid her, but both of us were pleased with the arrangement.

Incidentally, she is a Girl Guide leader and her Guide nickname is Luna which is how I refer to her on forum :slight_smile: