Productivity live chats?

So, I’ve been participating in a live text chat for writing/productivity that just casually announces itself (via tumblr) and is free to join, with any user name you like, no account required.

Folks usually work on something in 30 minute chunks and chat a bit while it’s happening. Then when the 30 are up, folks have a nice chat for maybe 10 or 15 minutes in between. It’s been really helpful for accountability and productivity, and I kinda wish I could do it with OMD folks!

I know that @Oro had talked about doing a live chat available to people online on the forums, which I don’t have the bandwidth to moderate all the time, but I think if we did a few times a week I think it could be fun. Also if it was casual we don’t have to worry to much about it always being at the wrong time for folks. I can put a temporary text banner up on the top of pages that it’s going live and people can join if they like.

Would anyone be interested in this? Should we try it out a few times?


Sounds like something I would have loved two years ago! I could potentially get in on it sometimes…

I’m definitely keen to try it out a few times.

Update from the land of no motivation: Yes, yes I would like these a lot.


Shit I should do this asap! I need it!


Still need it?

We are only $15 away from the next goal level for the Purrsonal Finance Society (OMD’s patron) and initially the perk for hitting this level was: "I will start doing biweekly live video chats for all Patreons to answer their money questions."

What if I did these productivity chats instead on a rough schedule?

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I would love a productivity chat more.

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