Pregnancy is weird

I feel that I should not be here at work. Last night I was doing that late-pregnancy thing where you are puke-peeing and I forgot that it’s not, like, leakage, it is a lot of pee. Oops. What if that happens at work??? I am as prepared as I can be. I am wearing an overnight pad (would that even be enough???) and brought extra pants like a kindergartner.

But, like, why, America? Shouldn’t I be resting at home? But that is not how we do things. I guess I could have called in sick and it wouldn’t have counted against my FMLA leave, but I had my toddler program this morning. Like, if the expectation is that I am still going to work, then there will be times when it is super awkward if I am not there.


I hate that we put pregnant people in these situations. It is illogical in every way.


Late to the game but I flew from Boston to Denmark at 32/33 weeks and then right after flew from Boston to Las Vegas and it was fine. I got up and walked the aisles a bit more than usual and made sure to stay hydrated. I had my doctor write a note that said I was safe to fly but didn’t really need it.


Some evenings I have some belly pain, not cramps but just one spot of soreness right above my belly button. It’s like my body is tired of holding up the extra tummy weight at the end of the day. In the morning I’m fine. Is this normal?


Probably, i had something similar. Now is a great time to book in with a womens health physiotherapist in your area, though, so they can talk you through how to comfortably get through the rest of pregnancy and when to see them postpartum.


I had this. Unfortunately I also ended up with an umbilical hernia and pretty severe DR, but I doubt that’s the only time people have it. Still, probably worth looking into making sure you’re doing DR safe movement and some strengthening if you can. I did all that but had a gigantic baby overdue, so I think it was just bad luck factors more than anything I could modify? (Well and plus my mom has severe DR and she never went past 38 weeks with a pregnancy, and none of us were as massive as Latte. So, genetic factors perhaps?) But yeah, I think it’s supposed to be the linea alba stretching out that gives you that sensation IIRC.


I am very short (4’11"), so I kind of don’t see how I could avoid having significant DR :disappointed: Will definitely look into strengthening stuff. Thanks!


Height probably doesn’t play as much into it as you think for DR? Like BJ is much taller and I am 5’2" and mine was normal, but also had belly button discomfort.^^

^^a normal amount of DR. Just clarifying that because DR is also just something that happens because pregnant, but longer term effects and such are different for different people.


Yeah I’m 5’9”. But short torso relative to my height, carried it allll in front, and nearly 10lb baby with multiple days of labor. And baby never dropped, so she likely was over stretching the least resilient parts of my fascia.

With at home PT (thanks pandemic…) I made huge improvements to my DR, so it’s not the final word either, even if it does stick around PP.


People have already made great suggestions so I will just add that I’ve had reduction in this kind of discomfort from wearing a support belt for exercise/walking and compression shorts many days of the week.

I am 4’11" as well and this is actually the first time I’ve really been troubled by DR even though my babies were huge and I was all belly. Of course, I am older now.


Originally I wasn’t going to answer because it is all too vague, BUT - you know how people say their belly buttons pop? Mine didn’t at all first pregnancy, but second pregnancy it did a partial pop and that week the pain was like you describe.

But usually I’m super into internet pain figuring out, and in this case it could be so many anything or nothings that I say talk to your doctor/midwife/physio

Also re Diastisis recti, I apparently had it both times and didn’t feel anything from it and didn’t practice dr safe movement


Mine did both times and i was quite disgruntled about it.


Yeah I think it’s related to that. My belly button has been shifting this week.


Can you explain what this is? I’m trying to google but it’s still unclear. Dr. Google says the pain could be this. Honestly though it’s a 1 on the scale of 0-10 pain-wise, and it’s only like, right before I go to bed, so I’m not at the point of thinking I need to call my midwife, unless y’all think I should JIC.


So my understanding is umbilical hernias don’t normally hurt unless you end up with bowel loop entrapment. But basically the fascia makes a little hole and the stuff on the inside can poke outside. So I now have a permanent really nasty dark colored outie facing belly button that looks like an old man’s nose with liver spot. It’ll have to be surgically repaired after I’m done having children. I think for most people when this develops in pregnancy, it’s not necessarily a problem postpartum because everything kind of compresses back down. But some of us are just so lucky that it all stays loose. :unamused:


Really winning the lottery over here! I’ll bring it up at my next appointment but won’t make any extra calls for now. Thank you!


Posted about this in my journal, too, but for those that don’t follow me… Does anyone have any general health tips for planned c section? You know, food/exercise/lifestyle things before and after. I have never planned to have major surgery before.


YES! Nerve desensitization. And early movement. Here let me get a link, they have a whole pinned highlights reel on this:


Whelp, I’m off to Kaiser again this morning for another preterm labor screening. But at least they can see me at the clinic. I don’t have to go to the hospital unless the clinic doesn’t like the look of things.

The Braxton Hicks usually but not always let up when I sit down, but they start again when I get back up, and I am experiencing a… digestive symptom… that I associate with labor. Let’s just say I didn’t feel that I needed my Colace this morning.


Update: They said I’m fine but take it easy and eat bland foods. I’m WFH today even though this is not usually allowed- my boss accidentally got us an on-call librarian even though we are fully staffed. He must have thought one of us was going to be out? Anyway, I’m not needed “on desk” so I will chill in the lazy boy with my laptop and a clear conscience.