Following up on this, I present to you:
Haha. Great photography right there.
Well fuck. My OB can’t do my c section. She’s got her own medical stuff and will be out from 2 weeks before my due date. I’ll meet the provider doing my c/s that Monday and have the surgery Thursday. (6 weeks from now). Assuming I make it that far. Hands are swollen and my BP is a bit up from normal. Really hope preE isn’t setting in. Fuck.
Noooo sending you… anti-inflammatory vibes?
Good god. I’m 36 weeks in a couple days and I am FEELING IT. The last few days have been rough. I am giant, heavy, slow, sore, etc. Grateful it held off way later than with Latte but damn I’m gonna have to fight for this last month lol. everything is so slow and hard. I’m annoying TF out of myself.
The last month ish is sooo brutal.
At least this time I know I won’t go past 39+4. 40+6 is too damn much
Heads up to fellow skin allergy girlies: remember to try and nipple creams or anything you plan to use PP before the baby is here. At least twice. You won’t be able to tell if it’s a reaction or just BFing type comfort if you wait. (don’t mind me over here sitting with lanolin on my nip lol)
Talking general stats wise. I have about a 1 in 4 chance of going into labor before the c section. That’s… lower than I expected.
Funny enough saw my OB nurse neighbor at the playground this morning. She’ll be working the day I have my c section, I’ll be very curious if I get her as a nurse or not!
What happens if you go into spontaneous labor? Will they try to get you in for a section then, or see how things go? Either way, aieee! Baby arriving soon
We see how things go! Assuming I don’t pop positive for preE like last time, I think they would let me choose still but I would go straight for the section at that point.
There are some distinct pros and cons:
- last time I labored natural for over 12 hours with back labor and doubling contractions and full pitocin, so I’m hopeful with an uncomplicated labor I could go med free and thus avoid all the fucked up side effects I managed to have last time
- no surgical restrictions after, I could pick things up and move up and down the stairs more easily
- sooner to go home to older kiddo
- I don’t get my tubes out if I don’t have a c section
- I need antibiotics either way, but it’s every 4 hours in labor because I’m GBS positive this time
- I’d be on insulin for the duration of labor because of the GD
- could very well end up as a c section again anyway which then is the worst of both worlds really
Rooting for you! Hoping for the least annoying outcome possible.
for a smooth arrival of baby either way they come out. I would love for you to be able to be up and moving around easily after baby is born.
Scientists pinpoint the hormone that causes severe morning sickness!
I’ve known about the hormone for a few years but for them to go so quickly from the gene & hormone to the likely functional cause (low hormone levels in certain women/ higher “sensitivity” and then pregnancy causing a huge boost) with POSSIBLE treatment methods is fucking AMAZING!
still won’t be useful to me, but might to my daughter!
So, my sister in law is pregnant and I am going to be an aunt this summer! They just had their anatomy scan today.
Results that need further testing
There were a few abnormalities on the ultrasound:
-echogenic focus (bright spot on the heart)
-enlarged kidney
-possible club foot (baby was moving a lot and tech wasn’t sure)
None are particularly concerning on their own. The first two are associated with Down Syndrome. All three combined is enough to get them referred to a high risk doctor for more detailed scans and to discuss further genetic testing like an amniocentesis. My SIL got her blood drawn today about some preliminary genetic testing and will hear back in a week.
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but since it’s not really my news to share with anyone IRL, especially since any possible diagnosis isn’t confirmed yet, it feels easier to talk about somewhere more anonymous. I’m just hoping that whatever happens, the baby is physically healthy and will live a happy life with a lot of support. I know some of you have also walked the road of uncertain results during pregnancy, and I am definitely open to hearing any advice on ways I can be there for my brother and SIL as they navigate what’s next. (Though we do live in different states so I’m limited on any physical help I can provide.)
I might put this in random questions parenting edition as well!
If they end up with lots of appointments, some ubereats vouchers/ favourite local takeaway etc so that food is one thing they don’t have to think about would be helpful, since you’re too far to drop off meals.