Pregnancy is weird

Yay! I loved the ultrasound where I got to see a bunch of movement. So glad the NT came back looking good and that your chances of such a bad PE experience again are low.

I think mine was taking a nap at yesterday’s. Maybe one little leg kick. But my US tech was pleased she wasn’t wriggling away!


It was very nice of Luna yesterday- she was very still for all the important measurements, then started wiggling for the more enjoyable tour portion.


I love the MFM. Everywhere else one feels so high-risk but it’s hard to impress an MFM doc! At least mine always made me feel young and healthy :sweat_smile:


Haha yes he was like “well other than that, you don’t have much going on! Pretty straight forward” BLESS, my man. Also, he came in and was like “hi I’m Jason” :joy: that it. Jason. Alrighty Jason!


That’s how you identify the REALLY important people who are confident in their importance!


Holy shit I’m 20 weeks today.

I legit, honestly never thought I’d make it this far.

halfway-there-bon-jovi (1)


Happy Bon Jovi day!!


One more week of work and then I’m on maternity leave!

I really hope this baby doesn’t come early because we have nothing ready. We have everything we need, I just don’t know where any of it is. There’s no where to put anything because we need to buy another dresser.

Oh, and we have no name yet :grimacing::grimacing:. Like - haven’t even started brainstorming names. Sorry second child, your big brother is so much that your parents’ brain cells are completely fried.


Oh gosh, I know the feeling. Because of our temporary move all the baby gear is buried in a storage unit and we plan to dig it out next weekend or the one after. Good luck with everything! Fingers crossed that you’ll have some mat leave time before this baby comes to get a few things ready.

As you probably already know, newborns don’t need much – whatever you need for comfort and accessibility for mama is equally important.


@AnneBeddingfeld have you done much to prepare older child for the new baby?

Not asking to create anxiety – more to share that we have done almost zip and unless anyone has suggestions they swear by (and those are very welcome!!), it will probably stay that way.

At 2y 5months I don’t think Spore fully understands siblings. He does know “gentle touch” and “nice hands” which I hope will be useful. He sees babies regularly at daycare. I’ve been modifying how we interact so I’m carrying him a little less. And if I ask him who’s in my belly he says “baby!”. That’s about it.

One of our daycare teachers recommended getting him a doll and learning to hold it gently, which is a sweet idea that I may or may not get around to. I set up a bassinet the other day and Spore insisted on climbing into it. I’m hoping that gets old by the time the baby is actually here.


Currently hoping that gets old by the time baby is 10mo


Lion can feed the baby and cuddle them to sleep tho, right?


He fed the baby chocolate cookie yesterday! And regularly cuddles the baby awake


So helpful :trophy:


When I was pregnant with J2 I set up a bassinet, and it had wheels. J1, at about two and a half, gleefully looked at it and said, “Mommy look! Baby Wagon!”


They are actually very sweet and trying to learn how to play together. They will absolutely get there


We’ve talked about it a lot but not sure how much he understands. Mine’s 3 1/2 and a chatty one so he’s talked a lot of baby sister coming and what she’s going to do. His best friend at daycare has a new baby sister as of a few months ago so the two of them sometimes chatter about babies.

One thing on my to-do list is to do some reading during maternity leave.

I have siblings without rivalry on my kindle but welcome other suggestions.


Yeah since mine is almost 3.5 and like. GETS STUFF now. And wants to talk about it all a lot. So that’s been pretty wild. So we’ve read books like 9 months (forget the author) and “hello in there” by Jo witek and “it’s not the stork”. It’s good timing too because her first cousin was born last week so she was already in “fascinated about babies arriving” mode when we announced to her. So I think the prep process with her will be very different. She has baby dolls already, and the other day unprompted asked for them, and as we were carrying stuff down she took the bottles and said “big sisters are helpful and get things for their babies and help their mommy!” That’s not a line from any of the books so idk if that’s because there’s so many older siblings among her classmates at school?

At fully a year older I really don’t know what we would have done for prep. So much of life still just kind of happens to them at that age with them along for the ride (willingly or not lol, but they don’t necessarily get it ahead of time). I do think familiarizing him with baby gear ahead of time, giving him a diaper to explore when he’s not taking it from your hands when you need it, that sort of thing could be useful?

One of my to do items I haven’t gotten around to is finding more of the scripts for like, “try saying X instead of Y so older sibling doesn’t feel like they’re always waiting on the baby”. I find stuff like that super helpful, so a decent amount of the sibling prep I have mentally planned is stuff for me more than for her directly if that makes sense.


Yes that’s the kind of stuff that I’m hoping to research on maternity leave (I have so many plans for my 3 weeks off!). My main concern is that because my child is in daycare for so much of the day, when he is home he gets both my husband and my undivided attention, and it’s going to be tough for him to have that split. He is not good about any kind of independent play at home, and this is on us since we haven’t made any effort to encourage it since he does a lot of it at daycare.


I really liked this. One that I used a lot was when the baby is crying to call out, “Baby! I hear you and I’m sorry you’re upset, but I’m helping Kid right now, and you need to wait. I will come pick you up when I’m done helping Kid.” My kid was just a bit over 2 when the baby arrived and I think it helped somewhat, but it was really hard.

Difficult feelings - spoilered in case not helpful

What I think I wasn’t prepared for was my own emotions. I’m not a very emotional person AT ALL, but I had a deep deep sadness for my kid losing my (our) full attention which she had always had. She loved her sister instantly and they adore each other and I’m so so happy that we made that decision, but in the moments after birth when the baby was still blobby - it felt like a mistake. Even though I logically knew that it was what we wanted and that she would adjust, there was a real grieving period, and I felt guilty towards the baby for feeling that way. If I went back now I don’t think I could do anything differently but I would give myself more grace for feeling that way, and just lean into whatever feelings I had.