I’m going to be cat sitting for friends in Portland March 11-16. Will probably arrive on the 10th and stay with a grad school friend that night.
Anybody want to meet up whlie I’m there? Can do individual things or small (or large) groups. I’m not sure if I’ll be driving or taking the train – stuff that is accessible to public transit is probably a good bet.
Paging @noitsbecky@Meowmalade@Bracken_Joy (if I drive on the 10th maybe I can swing by your place?) and even @frankh (could potentially make the drive down your way one day if I have the car). Who else is in Portland?
I could meet up for a group lunch on the 16th, or am free to hang out various weekday times during the day. Would you like me to take you to the Japanese Garden as my guest?
I may go to a play that I think @krmit is working on the evening of the 12th, if you’d like to join me. I didn’t buy my ticket yet.
Thanks Meow for mentioning me! If there is some kind of group gathering I’d love to join. I’m partial to Tuesday because I have childcare that day–just throwing that out there–but there are a lot of schedules to work around.
And @a_hardie lives pretty close to me, so we can combine meet ups that way as well. Although you all know I’ll travel for a group thing! Plus, @Meowmalade, @a_hardie is awesome and you do want to meet her.
I have no weekday flexibility, unfortunately. Fuck I wish I could retire!
I have plans the night of the 11th and the 13th. (God, I’m going to be so tired. I’m not energetic these days!). If anyone wants to go to a concert the night of the 13th, Daughter and I are going to hear Pom Pom squad at the Mission Theater. It will be fun and I’m sure there are still tickets. I think they were like 20 bucks.
Both of these sound fun! Let me check in with @anomalily re: expectations for the cats before I commit to too many evening things, though. Plus there is that whole thing where I have shifted my sleep schedule to around 9pm-5 am – I did manage to stay awake during Hamilton, which ran until 11pm, but that was Hamilton!
I do need to confirm with @anomalily what time they need me to be at their place – Tues is the start of my shift. But I can probably do the general overview of how their cats should be cared for the day I arrive (monday) assuming they have time.
We are actually leaving Monday morning, so I don’t think we’ll overlap at all. You’re free to stay on Monday night if you want. Obviously will send you details to get in and everything ahead of time
That is so kind of you! I actually realized I have therapy on Tuesdays (I’d forgotten) and I don’t want to miss it. I think I’ll bow out but thank you for the offer!
Today I’m booked – meeting a friend for lunch, then @Meowmalade for japanese garden, dinner and the play @krmit is working on.
Tomorrow wide open and I need to be out of the house from 10-4 (scheduled power outage).
@noitsbecky what are your weekend plans? We can text if you want to keep private. I’ve kinda been keeping the weekend free for y’all
There is a waffle place in this neighborhood that I was thinking of trying over the weekend if anybody wants to do something brunchy. Also open to other group meal suggestions.
Currently I’m booked on a train back to Seattle Sunday evening, but might push it up to an earlier one.
On Saturday evening, @lhamo and I are going to a storytelling show at Powell’s, which should be super fun! The theme is “Am I The Villain?” which sounds really juicy. Doors open at 6pm, show at 7pm, any book purchase during the show is 15% off. Tickets are about $25 including fees.