Does anyone want to do this very fun Music League thing with me? I am doing one with a coworker group rn and it’s proving to be such a JOY in my week, and bonus: they’re mostly younger than me so I’m getting intro’d to new artists!
Here’s the rundown: you join the league and then, at your leisure, add a song that fits the theme for that week. Can fit in vibe, in title/lyrics, whatever. If you forget one week, that’s fine, the league keeps going without you so no hard feelings!! Also you can vote (optional) for your favorite song each week! It’s very cute and fun. Who’s in? IMPORTANT NOTE It MAY reveal your real name depending on what you have Spotify hooked up to.
Also I think it only makes the playlist IN Spotify each week so if you have something else you will at least have to listen to it that way or recreate it in your platform of choice. Up to you!
I don’t think so? But the playlist it generates will appear in Spotify. So you can listen on a free account but it might not be the same experience as the paid version? I am not clear on this bc I’ve had a Spotify account forever