No-Buy Curious

(Of course, I fully support you having bras that fit!)


In this case, the brand rarely has sales except sometimes 10% off when they’re discontinuing styles/colors, but they’re moving warehouses so now some of the items are 20% off (also, some are being discontinued and I actually want them before they go away forever) :slight_smile:


Noted! I was thinking of some recent posts you made where you talked about reselling dresses you bought, saying “I have enough dresses!” and I wondered if something changed!





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These are really nice and fill a niche for great all-season travel clothes! I don’t need more but I am strongly adhering to my new rule of “must like the cut AND color” (despite temptations of colors that I don’t love) and I do think I will enjoy wearing them quite a bit, especially when I go to Europe. One tunic I’m planning to get is for India.

There is very little that I would buy at full price but a lot of that is not getting to try stuff on in person and I don’t like doing the buy/return cycle. I’m a lot more willing to take a chance when there’s a good sale, though. I did just buy a second bra of the same style/color that I got in the store (bought from their other location in WA), after scouring the Internet and finding that it’s all sold out because the color is discontinued and replaced with a much pinker nude. A good bra in a color that I like is priceless! I paid full price plus $5 shipping.

Anyway… I got my dresses, I got my bras, I got my phone (planned). Maybe I can stop buying stuff now?! I’m allowed to get clothes for India though. None of my suitable clothes fit anymore and I gave them away, and I didn’t find anything I liked at the stores there my last trip.

Thank you for trying to hold me accountable, though! The struggle is real.


Wow the Prana sale is really good! I miss the days of my 50% off pro deal, plus once a year they would let us add on the sale price to the pro deal and I would get things for $15-$20. I lived in those clothes 24/7

One thing I did that really helped with not buying things/sale urgency is I just gave myself permission to buy what I needed at full price, whenever that happens (I do look to see if I can find a sale on the item before buying, but it doesn’t stop me if it’s full price.) I used to shop sales a lot thinking that I should get it while it was on sale in case…but I would end up spending so much more than if I had just bought the one thing I needed at full price. Now I never look at sales at all, because I find it’s just a way for me to convince myself of all the the things I need because they are cheap, that I wasn’t even thinking about before I saw them. Nothing is cheaper than not spending anything! This is totally different for everyone though, I just don’t have a lot of wiggle room in my budget for unplanned spending, so for me this was a really important change I needed to make


I did this too. I think I ultimately save money, because the rush to get something is gone and the sale was really just an excuse to buy


I used to go to the mall and browse around and if I was tempted by something but put it back I’d say “I just saved $20!” (or however much it was) :smiley:


@noodle @mountainmustache29 Same! It’s turned out to be cheaper to get exactly and no more than what I need, when I need it – I still look around briefly for deals at purchase time, but letting go of “I have to catch this sale” has saved me a lot of time and money.


I’m only halfway through but this video is GREAT.


That’s really interesting! I used to wonder “who are these people who pay full price” :laughing:

I can definitely think of some times where I added extra things that I wouldn’t have otherwise purchased, but I think in general I’m careful about what I allow to come into my home because I don’t like extra things and I love purging my home of anything I deem unneeded. But buying on clearance often also means that the nicer colors are sold out and now I’m choosing clothes that look good on me AND where I like the color and not just wearing whatever mostly fits and doesn’t have a super ugly color. Hopefully where I am now is that I can buy things I need, selectively, and also get a deal, haha! Like after my Europe trip when I was looking for a better backpack for my needs and found the perfect one, and it happened that the color I would have picked anyway was on clearance! That was the best :slight_smile:


Now I have to check it out!


OMG I watched it and it’s amazing. Not at all what I was expecting, but a hundred times better!


Wasn’t it so fun?? Such good production, thoughtful ideas, and the theme song is so catchy!!


I had opened it up in YouTube and I think I didn’t watch what you shared (I must have clicked something) but I did watch Step 1: Identify Selling. It was really good! I can’t find the theme song :joy:


Oh it’s the little jingle at the beginning of each episode! “It’s what I’m not gonna buy-yyyyyyyy…”

No buy developments…

Still going strong with no clothing purchases.

I noticed some extra creative energy lately… I wonder if this was previously being channeled into the shopping search? It feels good to have again!

I also more seriously decluttered my wardrobe- was more honest about what I would never wear. I’ve been selling some items which makes it easier mentally to let go of. Now that my closet is much smaller, I almost like my clothes more and feel less urge to shop! I can see everything and understand what I actually wear more easily.

Thanks for starting this thread because it really gave me the little extra push I needed!


i still haven’t bought anything in my categories! the urge to shop comes and goes but honestly seeing my monthly cash flow numbers is starting to feel even more satisfying than buying new shits.

i’ve been in this super-happy-to-not-spend mode before, and i knew i just needed to get the boat turned around. this thread/challenge is definitely helping!


I think this is so cool!!

Will you be saving that money made on selling the items you don’t wear to buy something new and fun at the end of your no buy?