No-Buy Curious

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this is based on grade 11 ‘world religions’ understanding of Shintoism (where I made a made a bingo game renamed the obvious as my class participation exercise), and 1st year university understanding of Calvinism (especially through the lens of Weber).

basically, Shinto emphasizes balance, respect and unity. We are responsible for listening to the land and other spirits and figuring out what we need to do to make them happy or calmed. The concept of thanking the item for its service is deeply rooted in Shintoism (imo). The concept that you don’t respect your items when you aren’t using them or able to take care of them, and they respond to that, ditto. (ETA: obviously the idea of respect and being disappointed in you can also be weaponized)

Calvinism says the world is crap, you need to deny yourself, and you’re bad for consuming, you need to purge and make up for it. You should be shamed and feel ashamed. Things have no meaning.


January is almost over. Total object count: 23 in, 31 out.

The list, color-coded by category

  • I mostly stuck to my plan of only buying things from the 25th onward each month. I made exceptions for weather-related kids stuff (longer warm socks for the baby and snow mittens for both). There were ~10 things I refrained from buying by writing down on a list; by the 25th they didn’t feel urgent. I added a 20-minute timer on Instagram, which really cuts down on ad-prompted shopping. Like others have mentioned on this thread, it’s really nice to have the time back.

  • I managed to have more going out than coming in!

  • My personal clothing needs seem to spike at the change of each season. Since December was the month I had to get my cold-weather wardrobe in order, this month was pretty minimal (just 1 shirt) despite postpartum size adjustments.

  • Even with all these guide rails, that’s 51 objects in or out — so much inventory management.

  • Since the kids are so young and changing all the time, I’m not sure I can do a true no-buy. Or maybe I can since next month’s weather will be about the same, and I got everything 1 size up at the beginning of winter. We’ll see.

  • My plan is to stick to the same rules for the next 3 months, but also add no-buy snacks in Feb. Our snack shelf on the pantry is full to bursting so it’s time to eat it down.


I’ve been doing the HLP thing and putting my phone in a literal box after work. I am allowed to 1) read my kindle or 2) do nothing with the time I otherwise would have scrolled (which for me usually involves shopping behaviors!). I have read 1.5 books and will probably finish the second this week. Feels GREAT and as time has gone on I don’t need the box. I can just leave my phone in another room or even on a higher surface while I play with Ravi and I forget it’s there


How long did you start with for putting the phone away! I might steal this idea.

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Just during the work week, both in the morning and after work when I’m on Ravioli duty. So like 5:30-7:30AM and 4-7PM


I’m reading the Mark Boyle book about going off grid and it’s making me MUCH mor conscious about using my phone when I can’t think of something better to do.


I’ve got a no buy pro tip!!!

Get your credit card number stolen so everything that’s on auto pay stops auto paying.

So far I have not restarted: YouTube premium, hostgator for the website I wanted to start but haven’t done anything with in 2 years, masterclass, utility bills, and daycare!

Okay the last two I fixed right away, lol. But YouTube is $14/mo, masterclass was like $200/year, and host gator was $300/year.

I’ll probably restart YouTube again in a few months but I have plenty of other entertainment in the meantime!

I also found out that buying YouTube (no ads) is $14 if you do it online but $19 if you do it through the app on an iPhone. For the same functionality!!! Crazy! If you buy it online you still get full benefits in the app.


My friend told me that he had started his YouTube subscription when he was in India and it’s only a couple of dollars a month, even after he came back! I am seriously going to look into that when I go to India.


apparently some people use a vpn to try to achieve a similar outcome


Oh no I’m so sorry about your card! So annoying to switch everything over!!


Watch out, though, some cards and subscriptions will re-assign the auto pay to your new card…


Finished a second book and now I need to put something on hold and that is so exciting! Thinking of doing another Ann Patchett, why not


Having some stressful circular thinking about a trip I’m taking to Thailand. I don’t feel I have clothes that will work for a) my body, b) the climate, and c) cultural expectations around appropriate wedding attire. I’m expecting to sweat through everything I own because I still get sweaty and hot in my own home daily (unclear if due to weight gain, hormones still settling, both, etc.) let alone Thailand’s opposite of Chicago weather. I’m wondering if I need to do a big clothing purchase at Quince or somewhere similar with a lot of linen stuff? Idk. Maybe I should try the thrift store? But I don’t have a lot of time. Trip’s in 3 weeks. I was so focused on getting a dress for the actual wedding (which I managed to do) that I forgot about the every day clothes I’ll need, too. But am I just trying to spend the anxiety of traveling in a larger body away???


Can you put out a call to your Buy Nothing or Mom groups? I’ve successfully sourced clothes for one off type trips by doing this and then I could just fill in with my own closet or if I found something I really loved instead of trying to create a wardrobe from scratch.


Yeah that’s an idea. I think I’m going to sit with the Buy a Bunch of Stuff impulse til the weekend. I might be able to go to the thrift store next week too.


Step 1: Do not do shopping behaviors (my brain is screaming that I should just open up a browser window and type in Quince and what if I just put things in a cart? slippery slope)


For a similar trip (hot weather pregnant) I did a trip to the thrift store then filled in with Amazon- I would probably have better luck with H&M or shein but was worried about delivery times. Then I wore them for real summer too


Absolutely do think I can wear any new things for Real Summer too!


This no buy shit is hard y’all! Still itching to peruse online shopping venues… My first true test is only a month into 2024 haha. Luckily it’s a high of 50° today and I am walking Ravioli to the library after work. Also the second ebook in the Beka Cooper trilogy by Tamora Pierce was available this AM