Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

I saw your update and was like “noooo i don’t wanna” but also I want to have this information for the future so…eep, I guess I’ll look.


It would be less painful if we had put anything in over the past 6 months, but there are no mitigating contributions


Whew, we’ve been contributing as usual but wow have we lost a lot of money! LOL. Down to $214k, which is more than many people ever have, but I think I need to seriously adjust my expectations. No way am I going to meet my $300k goal by EOY. I’m not even sure how to set a goal for next year! We’lll have to just see how things shake out. I did up our contributions by 2% so that’s a nice win! :slight_smile:


Just looked at my Net Worth graph in YNAB and I was kinda thinking that I’d paid off around $20k in debt over the last year and yeah, turns out that’s basically right! A year ago I think I was paying around $1500 in debt per month, and I added like $12k to my credit card because I got divorced and moved into my own place & took very little with me. Now I have been doing a bit of a balance transfer game, so I’m paying $100 2x/mo on one zero interest card over the next 18mo (as slowly as possible), and I’m overpaying my personal loan by about 80% but would like to do more. My net worth is now roughly -$9000 where it was -$28,000 a year ago. Because of YNAB’s trickery (genuinely I don’t understand it & please don’t explain it to me, the mystery is good for me lol), I have like $10k in the bank (1.5% interest checking baby!!) and everything allotted and the amount I have in the bank just seems to keep going up even though I allot every dollar. So it feels a bit magical.


That’s great, congratulations! :slight_smile:

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Lol life hacks if you pay $50k towards a house the market dip isn’t even noticeable!


that’s a great amount of debt to pay down, and you’re so close to doing the flip over to 0 net worth. Very exciting


Thats fantastic work!

Lol if you asked me I would also agree that its just magic.

Dammit another market downturn? I was also hoping for a pretty number by the end of the year. Guess its not too bad since I mostly am aiming for $$ saved rather than net worth at this point still.


I was going to say, didn’t we just do this?


I am not loving that I’ve lost all my retirement contributions for the year and then some.


Yeah. We’re at 87k down from the first of the year despite decent income and retirement contributions.



Our net worth is down about 18% since the beginning of the year :frowning: I’m maxing out 3 of our 4 retirement accounts, on top of other savings, so it’s certainly not a lack of contributions.

To be fair, we’ve bought a woodstove and a new vehicle, but I’m really not enjoying the feeling of “losing” so much money.


Ugh. I just checked my balance and that is all I have to say about this.


Y’all are not helping me not procrastinate this chore.


I have to wait until Monday when my mortgage pays. I’m using the time to brace myself haha.


my net worth is up $2k even though i’ve plowed like $50k into investments over the last year. it’s frustrating! but i’m staying the course and keeping the faith.

it’s real money to be sure. but it’s also just numbers on a screen – i still have everything i need on a day-to-day basis.


Definitely! We still have plenty of money coming in to be very comfortable and keep saving, and I keep telling myself that we don’t need a single cent of any of our retirement for years yet, so it will be fine. It’s still not much fun to look at, though :slight_smile:


Academically I understand that downturn years are fine and normal and part of investment.

Personally I’m low-key stressed about it and dread checking my investment balances.

This year my NW is +20k, but that’s only because I bought a house for less than it’s worth and fixed it up cheaply. Without the house purchase I would be flat or in the hole, even with a ton of contributions.


Wow that’s amazing smacky!!! You definitely worked hard for it!

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I’m not looking. This is the way.