Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

Guess who has two thumbs and more insights into her family’s net worth? This gal!

Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 8.20.53 AM

Still missing one small retirement account, but otherwise everything is here. House is included at the price we bought it last year, net worth would be $100-200K higher if we used numbers from the current market (everything is fine and we don’t have a housing supply crisis.)

For people with RSUs/equity: do you factor it into your net worth? Probably not until you cash it out/do stuff with it, right?


I don’t count RSUs until they vest. If they’ve vested and the money is yours but it’s still in company stock, I would include those.


That makes total sense. My wife just started her job this year, so I have to guess she’s not vested at all or just a low %. Thanks!


Any vested RSUs get tracked with net worth, although I tend to get rid of mine pretty quickly, but I also track unvested RSUs just so I know when a block is incoming and what its value is likely to be so I’ve got a plan for where it’s headed.


This is the first month some of our investments have gone up! We’re +$5k net worth at the moment, not up to our previous high but it’s nice to see a rebound, especially as we’ve been spending like crazy people.


Hit a positive net worth for the first time!!
(by $750 but who’s counting :joy:)


Heck yes that rules!!!


Congratulations!!! That’s honestly the biggest milestone there is in a lot of ways!


That is so awesome.

That inflection point moves you from a systemic headwind to a tailwind.

As per Dickens, “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness.”




I keep forgetting we signed up for Ponder’s work share scheme again, at $600/month, and then keep wondering why we’re saving less. But YAY invisible pay-ourselves-first money! I think this means I should go back to filling up our emergency fund instead of trying to buy other shares.


Update on Net Worth. It’s heading in the wrong direction.

In our defence, this is largely the result of taking house value down to the appraised value from the market value.

However it also represents significant spending on our part. Two vacations - one to see family and one more business related - $2000 worth of trees removed on the property and $1100 for Hubby’s new glasses. Life doesn’t come cheap these days.

I’m not concerned too much, as we also have a couple of Hubby’s work pensions, CPP, OAS and now GIS or allowance to fall back on. The government automatically deposited some money into our account and we’re trying to figure out what for right now.


I can’t recall what province you are in. Could it have been

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There was a payment earlier this month to people in certain provinces as a carbon credit thing.

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No. We don’t have children at home. We’re in Nova Scotia.

That might be it. It was weird. Hubby received about $70 and I received about $11. Not going to make or break us!:joy: But the government sometimes has glitches in their system and I don’t want to get stuck having to pay it back in the future.


It was the first of quarterly payments, the next and those after it will be half what you just got

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This one it isn’t just for people with kids, it’s basically anyone 19 or older in Ontario, Manitoba, Sask, or Alberta. So not you, but that is just because of the province, not having kids.

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We did receive a notice in the mail about GIS, and the Allowance. But I don’t think we qualify for them. But it definitely says it’s “your entitlement to the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Allowance or the Allowance for the Survivor”! Process of elimination leads me to the idea it must be GIS. Hubby is very much alive and earning too much for the Allowance, so it must be GIS. Though I thought we earned too much for that too. I guess the pension splitting is working in our favour?

Is this the cause of my improved confidence? 3.38% estimated withdrawal rate (from 3.51% last month)

I am irrationally saddened that we missed crossing back over that line by $150. So it’s roughly back to June 2021.