HELLO FRIENDS. As some of you cool people who are definitely cool know, Neopets is under new management! Management that is dedicated to making it a fun, not spammy, shitty receptacle of mindless advertising, anyhow.
If you are interested in playing, please follow this thread! I will probably ramble about what I am doing in this thread.
I went ahead and made a guild called “Oh My Neo!” and if you want you can go ahead and apply for a leadership position. The criteria is first come first serve who submit the secret password. The password is “bagels.”
My username is Meowracas. And my Neopets is called Viowlin. It is an owl. I am soooo funny.
In case you are wondering why anyone would want to play Neopets now, let me tell you:
mini capitalism games are fun and give you a sense of control in a chaotic world
I had an account, years ago, as an adult, and closed it when it seemed our hacking/spam count went through the roof when I used it.
If I had a place to use it again, I wouldn’t mind. But DH is working for a government entity these days and the spam/hacking filter requirements got much tighter. So, although I’m delighted with the news – I will pass.
My main Neopets account is LadyAnimeEyes - feel free to friend me!
The main thing everyone coming back should know is you can now have 6 pets free on every account (and you can buy things to increase this limit until you can have like 80-90 pets across your 5 account limit).
OK, I made an account and a pet. My username is the9sisters and my pet is named RollerKira. And if anyone knows what my naming inspiration was, you’re my new bestie.
But as ever, most things on Neopets involve NP. This NP guide is my favorite & how I fund my random splurges: http://www.neopets.com/~pocsi
Restocking was never my cup of tea. But if you wanted to try it (or pick it back up) then this guide is probably going to help: http://www.neopets.com/~Sanskrits
Neopets has partnered with Ruffle to finally revive some of its classic games library. Even so, this Flash-free game guide has some really useful advice & info: http://www.neopets.com/~stickybeard