Money Saving Mindset- Group Journal

Way better IMO!

LOL @mountainmustache29 I need a little logo or something


Oh man, @TrisPrior if you guys see the same price jumps with Imperfect we just did, esp the meat BF gets, YOWCH. A bunch of stuff is up by $0.60-0.90/lb since last week.


We quit doing Imperfect while still in Chicago because it got too pricey and once we felt OK about in-person grocery runs it wasn’t worth it to me any more. (Also, lack of basics and staples in favor of weird vegan convenience food and fancy bougie condiments.)

I don’t know if we even have it here, honestly!


Summer really is the off season for gardening in the Deep South.


Unless you’re growing okra.


I hate okra, so it doesn’t count!


My clutter is costing me at least $154/ month in cleaners fees. If we weren’t living in clutter, I’d only have them here once a month (or less). We need to clear our shit by the end of the year, because next year our mortgage interest rates will rise and the new mortgage payment could be higher by that much.


Yeah, I am trying to think of this as winter. I wouldn’t try to garden in February in Chicago!

Not that I am happy that the rest of you are seeing obscene grocery prices, but it does help in a weird way to know it is everywhere. For my situation it’s easy to attribute it to, we’re in a new place and our grocery stores are all different and we don’t have an Aldi close enough that the gas cost wouldn’t negate food savings, so therefore we just need to work harder at figuring out how to economize here. It seems that that is not the case though!


What’s the main obstacle to getting rid of clutter? Time ?


Time, but also accessibility of proper disposal method options. I’ve started to make bigger progress since discovering a clothing & textiles recycler who I can access easily, so then the process became clear and I COULD set aside time for it. I think next disposal method I’m struggling with is e-waste. I will spend time reading what I have to do to wipe information and feeling comfortable with that. Theres nothing hard here, just need to sit down and DO. And not worry about mucking it up. (Terrified of losing information, maybe? But i still have every phone and laptop and desktop I’ve owned and, uh, its beyond unreasonable and I need to accept I probably grabbed all the data just fine years ago).


Woah!!! Yeah I imagine that’s kind of overwhelming to begin!


Holy shit you guys all need to make this recipe immediately. I made a modified version but even so it is SO GOOD. A lot like a samosa but even yummier I think. I’m eating it rn and it’s so good, also made Chicken Vindaloo.

If this recipe is too involved I highly recommend making the potatoes as is, like you don’t even need to make balls, etc. As just a potato side it would still be delicious.

Pics of mine:


Hnggggg I want this immediately


Yes I will take all of the potatoes plz and thank you


Uh, yes :drooling_face:

Yeah I just… Dont know how to get rid of them? Emotionally? Because electronics were so highly valued growing up and ive had to upgrade when they stop working but my brain says “still good for parts” or “might be 0information in there I forgot to get out” but, uh, they wont turn on, or they dont work in some other way, or… Etc. Also have all of Ponders old things.

I will try going through the phones next week, they are small and can be dropped at Officeworks.

(Clear hoarder tendencies in both of us and “could be useful” is something we both struggle with even when we’re tripping over crap and our hallway is a storage room)


The pro to getting rid of them, is that if you do it via electronics recycling, the rare earth metals can be reclaimed and reduce the need for mining them, often under both environmental and ethically questionable conditions. Cobalt sitting in a drawer helps no one :slight_smile: idk if that helps, but figured it might help unstick the brain?


I learnt this recently and i am holding onto it for the brain un stuckness!


Friend of mine and I both have this habit, to the point where
“Can you think of a use for X?”
“No, quick, throw it away before I think of one!”
has become a not uncommon exchange.


Will you remind me, are you a Dana K White fan? I just came across one of her YouTube videos talking about exactly this question, can dig it up if you’re into it (and won’t be offended if not of course!)


I am! I bought her books a couple of years ago and they have been a HUGE help. Her explanation of the container concept and the cleaning habits book is how we’ve made it this far!