Money Saving Mindset- Group Journal

We have occasion to be in the suburb where our TJ’s is, this weekend. I will report back!


Oh just a note on the tomatoes now that you’re living in a warmer climate: “When daytime temperatures rise above 90 degrees and night temperatures remain above 70 degrees, blossoms drop, and poor fruit development can occur.”

That’s just a thing that happens, gardening skills won’t make a difference. I don’t remember the last time it was below 70 at night and we’ve still got quite a bit of summer to go through. Mr. Meer started some tomato plants but kind of late so I’m hoping they put their energy into becoming bigger and stronger until cooler temperatures finally roll around but I guess we’ll see.


Yeah, I know that about tomatoes - but my peppers and eggplants also are not doing well. And it’s not SUPER hot any more. I am buried in jalapeños and basil and oregano but that’s it. I was told I would be buried in eggplant!

And I wish I had some fruit growing. Someone gave me Meyer lemon seeds but they didn’t germinate.

We are doing the thing where we regrow green onions from the ends though!


The price of butter really jumped, didn’t it?

I’m considering using half margarine for baking. I used to do that 40 years ago, but then the price of butter went down so much that it didn’t make much difference, but now it might…


Try celery ends! It works amazingly well.

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I bought a Meyer lemon tree at Home Depot this spring! It has doubled in sized and is blooming. I do not expect to get a significant number of lemons from it, ever, though.

Meanwhile, I’ve picked lettuce, carrots, radishes, broccoli, and peas this week, and the zucchini are just about ready to start overproducing. LOL


Ours is called ethnic supermarket :joy: I like saying it to offend people. But it’s a good name!

Otherwise I go by the store’s stated ethnicity - afghani, Chinese, Indian, Punjabi Easyern European



I can never eat a whole thing of celery and then end up buying more because it liquefied in the fridge. I really need to grow my own, didn’t know the green onions method worked for that!


My mother had one in Chicagoland and it did produce! Not tons, but in the low double digits yearly, which is pretty good for that climate.

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Do you know how much time it took for it to almost triple in cost?


I just saw someone on YouTube wrap her entire celery head in aluminum foil…she claims it lasts over a month that way! I’ve yet to try it because I rarely buy it, but it looked convincing

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It’s either 11 or 21 years I think? @AllHat do you remember?


I’ve been insanely impressed by the Debby Myers green bags my CSA recommended to me.

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What is this witchcraft?! That’s amazing.

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I don’t recall!

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That’s what I do! Carrots too. They really do last for weeks and weeks without going soft.


I entirely missed cool-weather crop season here, I am really looking forward to that coming. ALL the greens. I didn’t try zucchini since I’ve had such awful luck with it but maybe here it’d do better. Eh. Maybe not. Probably even more pests.

I knew I wouldn’t have much of a garden my first year. Honestly I did get a TON of tomatoes before it really heated up so I shouldn’t complain.


And they’re reusable for like, ageeeees. Got a big pack on Amazon.

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Thank you! Now that I know it has the AllHat stamp of approval I will definitely give it a try!

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better than paper towels?

I am intrigued.

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