I am all the garden memes.
Put ‘yarn’ in place of ‘seeds’ and that is me.
How do you say asphalt???!
Yeah I got the joke. Just noting it doesn’t work with my accent. I’d say “ash” “fault”. And say arse. with a strong r vs ass.
And to be honest I’d probably actually say bitumen.
Although technically I might wrong? But I don’t think I’d ever use asphalt in normal conversation.
TY for the career appropriate one for me on wetland bog ghost
Also OUCH childhood memories of having energy. Ouch.
The Joseph step dad one made me awwww.
I would indeed also say all of it like this including the bitumen asphalt mix up.
I’m sorry but has anyone ever told you that this is simply incorrect
Also @agnm what is the last meme??!? And I hope you know I pronounce your username as Agamemnon.
a song from the 2000s I think, idk what areas it was popular in
Hehe I read it something like agnim, but that works too :))
BRB seeding Spotify playlist
I am shocked to see that the song only hit 54 on the US billboard chart. There was a portuguese version made by the original band and a Brazilian one that was played CONSTANTLY in 2002. I knew all the moves to the dance and the “words”.
not sure where to put this, but good words abt fandom <3
Oo, oo! This has potential!
Inflation is woke!
Storm surges are woke!
Droughts are woke!
The capitol rioters are woke!
The Freedom Caucus is woke!
Trump is woke!
Haha I’m the sim and the NPC
I am gleefully an NPC. I have long stated my goal in life was to be boring. I grew up way, way too interesting. Boring was precisely my target. And now I’m boring and you know what? It’s fucking great